INK Registration Platform Officially Launches | Come Register Your Works within Clicks

Ink Labs Foundation
2 min readJul 12, 2018


INK registration platform officially launches on Ink website (, you can register your works within 30 minutes


INK Registration is a professional DApp created by the Ink team, which is focusing on digital copyright, providing simple and fast copyright registration and service!

The DApp has 3 core features:

1. Simple and fast copyright registration on blockchain

2. Multi-lingual certificate and UI, including Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese;

3. Supporting upload multiple forms of original works such as texts, images, and videos

In the future, INK Registration will provide service for more forms of original works!

Registration Process

  1. click “Registration” at the top of Ink website homepage to enter the INK Registration Platform, upload the work and enter the information.

2. After confirming the work information, click “Submit and Continue”

3. After the work is approved, the certificate can be obtained.

Example of blockchian registration certificate

INK Registration is an important part of the Ink ecosystem, providing copyright registration services for original content creators, helping to achieve one-stop digital cultural asset management, and further expanding the Ink ecosystem.

