News| INK Web Wallet Launch Online

Ink Labs Foundation
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

The long-awaited INK web wallet has recently been launched online! Do come and test it by logging in your wallet and experiencing Blockchain transactions! Mobile version will come out soon afterwards.

INK wallet (web) address:

INK Wallet is a lightweight Blockchain assets manager introduced by INK based on developer community. The wallet is built on core codes of Qtum Blockchain, allowing users to manage their own accounts as well as initiate and accept transactions in Qtum Blockchain network.

Three core functions to manage Blockchain assets effectively

The three core functions of INK wallet include wallet creation and restoration, assets initiation and acceptance, and transaction record enquiry.

· The wallet creation function sets up unique memory words and retrieves the only wallet address and encrypted wallet files for first-time users; the wallet restoration function allows users to import their wallets on other devices by using memory words.

· The assets initiation and acceptance function allows users to freely transfer their assets on Qtum Blockchain, and enables them to make collections and transfer assets face-to-face through QR code (which will come out soon with the mobile version).

· At the same time, INK Wallets leverages the unperturbable nature of Blockchain networks to provide users with the complete transaction history. Moreover, with the user-friendly filtering function, users will be able to manage their assets more effectively.

Three dominant advantages make usage safe and convenient

· Security: INK wallet use encrypted wallet files as a primary mean of access, which reduces the frequency of words input, and therefore lower the possibility for malicious software to steal keywords and cause a loss to assets.

· Stability: Data request for Blockchain network is supported by exclusive Full Nodes that operate independently, which ensures the validity of data communication.

· Convenience: Optimized support for QRC20 certificates hides abstract intelligent contract logic in the background, which allows users to manage and manipulate such certificates more intuitively.

There will be no obstacles between web and mobile wallet address (public and private key) after the launching of mobile wallet, avoiding the inconvenience of requiring multiple wallet addresses on different platforms. Users will be able to manage their own Blockchain assets anytime and anywhere.

Currently, INK wallet is in support of both Qtum and INK Blockchain assets. Support for other Token-type assets issued in the INK Pan-IP ecosystem will come out subsequently. In addition, INK wallet will further integrate and support various Blockchain services provided by Ink, especially those related to cultural creativity industry.

Official website:

White paper:






