News | 2018 Ink Annual Plans Launch!

Ink Labs Foundation
2 min readMar 22, 2018


As a blockchain solution based on global culture industry, Ink has made unremitting endeavor on enabling and developing creative industry in the past time. In 2018, with new annual plans, Ink will continuously contribute to creative industry and establish and improve its blochchain-based ecosystem.

With the support of Ink team and investors, Ink has been growing rapidly since its birth:

· In terms of technology, Ink has continuously improved the infrastructure development. At present, it has completed the development of the Ink consortium chain and the BaaS service platform, as well as launched several DApps in succession to initially establish Ink’s blockchain-based ecosystem.

· In terms of business application, Ink has been deeply involved in education, entertainment, travel, culture and other industries, and has held hands with many high-quality partners to jointly explore more possibilities for blockchain applications.

· At the same time, with the continuous implementation and upgrading of business and products, Ink has attracted extensive attention from the international media. Ink’s global community is also expanding, currently covers more than 200 million people.

Over time, Ink is gradually maturing and the global ecosystem has began to take shape.

2018 — A New Journey

In 2018, Ink will still focus on technology development, continue to contribute to the development of the blockchain world, and transform the blueprint of the global culture and creative industry.

· In 2018, Ink will complete the development of cross-chain protocol and promote the free flow of information and value across the chain;

· Develop more decentralized applications (DApps) online, provide users with convenient services, and build a broader Ink blockchain ecosystem 3.0;

· Establish a culture assets trading platform, so as to provide a more diverse and efficient business model for the global cultural and creative industry;

· Ink will also promote the incubation and implementation of more high-quality IP, as well as the formation of a new economic system for the cultural and creative industry.

In order to let everyone knows more about Ink’s annual pace, the 2018 Ink Annual Plan has been officially released:

Official Website:

White Paper:






