News | Ink Project Progress(11.18–12.8)

Ink Labs Foundation
2 min readDec 11, 2017


Important Announcement

Ink trading platform

Now EXX, Allcoin, Bigone, Gate, Coinegg, Lbank and other several major platforms are available on INK, Hongkong Shangya, Coinnest, ZB and Bitthai are coming soon so stay tuned!

INK trading volume exceeded 400 million RMB

INK trading volume has been in the top three since EXX debuts on November 20th. By December 4th, INK global trading volume has exceeded 400 million RMB.

Recent Development and Progress

Since November, we will open the Ink Development and Progress Bulletin and release our project development regularly. We welcome your attention.

Cooperation Information

Halal Chain

On November 21st, Ink co-founder Tang Ling and Hash Hao were invited to attend the 2017 Halal Chain Global Press Conference and the Dubai Blockchain Summit Forum. At the meeting, Ink announced that it has formed a strategic partnership with Halal Chain to provide technical support to Halal Chain.


On November 26th, Ink and ENT reached a deep strategic cooperation. ENT announced that it will develop and lay out its plan on global pan-entertainment industry based on the Ink protocol. Meanwhile, INK will become one of the currencies that ENT IEO raised.

Storm Market

On December 7th, Storm Market announced the in-depth strategic cooperation with Ink, and got the strategic investment from Ink. It will start the technological development based on the Ink protocol.

Media Information

Ink gave an interview on CNBC

On November 20th, CNBC organized a thematic television interview, inviting Ink co-founder and CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) Hash Hao to explore the development trend of blockchain technology in Asia. Yahoo finance and the MSN finance channel also reprinted this report.

Details: Ink co-founder received CNBC interview, which received extensive attention from the international mainstream media

special report from Bloomberg News and Dow Jones

On November 17th, Bloomberg News made a special report for Ink, elaborating Ink’s strategic layout deeply. Subsequently, the Dow Jones News also reprinted this article.

Block-45 exclusive interview: Ink technical team image

Ink Global Roadshow

Singapore Block Show Asia 2017

From November 29th-30th, the Ink team was invited to attend Singapore Block Show Asia 2017. Ink COO Zhai Hongyuan delivered a keynote speech as a lecturer. Ink project advantages drew guests’ attention and are highly appreciated.

