Say hello to “Operation Guide to INK Wallet” and have fun with your wallet now!

Ink Labs Foundation
4 min readMar 8, 2018


The web edition of INK Wallet has gone online officially. To help everyone make better use of it, we introduced the following “Operation Guide to INK Wallet” which will make you an expert of Blockchain asset management within a second.

1. Create a new wallet

1) Open in your browser and click on “Create New Wallet”

2) Set and confirm your password. Click on “I have read and agree to the user agreement of INK Wallet”. Click on “Next Step”.

3) Now your INK address has been successfully generated. Please keep it properly. You can continue to create wallet by clicking on “I have a good knowledge of the address, memory words and the wallet file. Go on to create another wallet”.

4) Now your memory words will be shown by the system. Please pay attention to recording them! After you have recorded your memory words, click on “Download My Wallet Files”.

After selecting the download path, you will get a wallet.backup file.

Ps: This file has been encrypted by the password you set, you can modify the file name, but please do not modify the extension name of. backup (if you cannot see the extension name, it is because the name has been only hidden by the system. Its usage will not be affected.

5) Click on “I have recorded the memory words. Enter my wallet”. Now you have successfully owned an exclusive INK address. Congratulations!

Ps: If you have forgotten your INK address, please login your INK Wallet and click on “Receive”. Your INK address will be shown on the pop-up;

6) Next time when you want to use your wallet, open .Log in and click on “Load Wallet File”.

Find the saved local wallet file and confirm to load it. Enter your password.

7) If you cannot find the wallet file, you can retrieve it by taking the following steps:

· Click on “Login”. Choose “Retrieve Wallet with Memory Words” at the bottom of the pop-up.

· Input your memory words and click on ”Next Step”. Now you can set a new password to your new wallet file.

· The new wallet file is ready to be downloaded after new password has been set.

Ps: The old wallet file is still effective with its original password unchanged. You can destroy your old password by simply deleting your old file.

2. Transfer INK to others

1) Login your INK Wallet and click on “Transfer”.

2) Input transfer address, amount of INK and transaction description in the pop-up. Please pay attention to choosing the type of Token you are about to send.

3) Set the service fee you are willing to pay. Please select “Standard” if there is no special case.

· Please note that the service fee must be paid by QTUM regardless of the type of Token you are going to transfer. Therefore, successful transaction can only happen when the QTUM in the wallet is sufficient.

4) After checking transaction information in the pop-up, input password of the wallet file and confirm the transaction

5) Click on the type of Token (INK or QTUM) in the left navigation bar and view the transaction history of the Token.

3. Security Centre Operation

1) Log in your INK Wallet. Click on “Security Centre” on the left navigation bar.

2) Enter the password of the wallet file you are going to proceed in the “Backup” area of Security Centre.


· Click on “Download Wallet File” to get a copy of the wallet file. The password will be the one you just entered. This will have the same effect as copying the wallet file directly.

· You can also click on “View Memory Words” to see your memory words.

All the operations of INK Wallet has been introduced now! Please use this guide to enjoy the convenience of your INK wallet!

INK Wallet

INK Wallet is a lightweight Blockchain asset management tool introduced by Ink based on developer community. The wallet was built on the core codes of the QTUM Blockchain, allowing users to manage their own accounts as well as initiate and accept transactions through QTUM Blockchain network.

Currently, INK Wallet is in support of both QTUM and INK Blockchain assets. Other Token assets issued in Ink pan-IP ecosystem will be supported afterwards. In addition, INK Wallet will further integrate and provide support to Blockchain services introduced by Ink in subsequent updates, especially to those related to cultural creativity industry.

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