How to stop procrastinating with this one simple technique [infographic]

4 min readNov 13, 2017


Ever feels that you don’t have enough time?

That work always piling up?

In this article I will introduce you a simple way to combat this and increase your productivity by using a simple time management tool. This technique will allow you to manage time more efficiently, increase focus, and creating a better work life balance relationship.

The Pomodoro technique was invented by author and entrepreneur Francesco Cirillo in the late 90s. The technique was named after the tomato shaped timer he used during his time as an university student.

So how does Pomodoro technique work?

Pomodoro technique work by dividing task in a set of time. The main premise is to work for 25 minutes long, followed by a 5 minutes break. This working time of 25 minutes is called a “Pomodoro” and it is basically work similar to a short sprint followed by a short break that keep you focus and bolster your motivation.

How to use Pomodoro technique?

I make a simple infographic on how to use the Pomodoro technique. Let’s check it out before we break it down and dive deeper into it.

Step by Step

So the steps is relatively simple and easy to learn, lets look at the steps one by one and break it down.

  1. Set out task to do

Plan your task ahead. Organize your task in a realistic expectation.

  1. Working session (Pomodoro)

Focus and work on your task for 25 minutes. The key is to manage distraction and focus solely on the task in this 25 minutes.

Treat a Pomodoro as an indivisible block of time, if you get distracted somehow, you have to either end your Pomodoro and start again later or complete it and reschedule anything that distract you. Sometimes this is not simple as some distraction is urgent and demand immediate action, so you have to manage which distraction is postponable and which does not.

Some tips to manage distraction is to shut down unnecessary stuff such as social media, silent your phone, and set aside any stuff that may distract you. Remember that it is only 25 minutes and you will have a break coming up to do all of that, so get your coffee, play your working tunes, and focus for 25 minutes.

  1. Record your progress

Remember the task list in step 1? Now that we start working, we need to record and see how much we accomplish during a Pomodoro session. Keep working on it until all task is finished.

  1. Take a short break

You done a Pomodoro, now take yourself a little break. Stop working during this time and refresh your mind, get up off your chair, stretch, refill your beverage, and clear everything in your mind. This short break will prevent you from overworking your brain while keep it fresh and ready.

  1. Back to work

It is essentially the same as step 1, you may get a little tired but the short break should refresh your mind and keep you focus on your task.

  1. After 4 rounds of Pomodoro, take a longer break

Longer break usually last around 15 minutes and it is designed to recharge you so you can get ready for another 4 Pomodoro session. Keep this habit up and see your productivity skyrocket.

  1. Repeat steps

Repeat the steps for as long as you need until you finish your task.

Benefit of Pomodoro Timer

After you understand how to use it, find out why people from all over profession use it. There are many benefit on the usage of Pomodoro Timer:

  1. It increase productivity
  2. It keep you focused on the task
  3. It manage your time better
  4. Better balance of work and life
  5. It improve the quality of your work

The pomodoro technique is suitable for many professions and task, it can be use by students, professional, consultant, and many more.

This technique is also extremely useful for freelance and entrepreneur who often work from home. Working from home or at cafe can be beneficial and give you not only freedom but also time flexibility . However, it is sometimes hard to focus while working on home and this is where the pomodoro technique can help.

Combining Pomodoro Timer with other tools

We know that there are a lot of productivity tools and technique out there. The best part is that you don’t even have to choose one, you can combine several tools and technique and find the best one for you. For example, I find out that using Pomodoro and kanban board can a really good for work. Pomodoro will keep me focused and productive while Kanban Board will help visualize my task. Currently, there are a lot of website and app that can help you on your task, some of that I find good are: A website for pomodoro timers that feature a todo list, it help me maintain my task. Kanban Board that is integrated well and it can keep your task well organized. My favorite team communication chat platform. Asana is a very good task management tool which integrate calendar, team, combining all into one app. My favorite notetaking app. Especially good for people who like to handwrite more than typing, perfect for doodling and mapping out your ideas.

Spend less time getting things done and spend more time on what you love.




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