What’s a Kickstarter.

Say it with a comic strip.

1 min readNov 14, 2017

When I did my first campaign on Kickstarter I was shocked how many people still don’t know what a crowdfunding is.

And it’s not just a matter of age (my mum still have some problem with the “copy and paste” concept, bless her) but also it’s an old mentality. When you wanted to do a project you need to invest a large amount of money, and if you don’t have it you need to ask someone else, your parents, your friends or banks.

The crowdfunding is it’s a different kind of concept. It change the whole cycle of economy by buying the project first and then produce it.

Mind blown.

So I decided to draw this quick comic to share it around the web, for all that people who still don’t know what Kickstarter is. It might help a bit!

Thanks for reading!

Don’t forget to hit that “clap” button below! Would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story.

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User interface design for VR/games/apps/website and Illustrator when I want to. Constantly feeding my curiosity about the digital world.