How I made my first 1 million as a Nigerian Web Developer

3 min readFeb 2, 2024


How I Turned Code into a 7-Figure Success in Nigeria 💻💰

Well, for most Nigerians like myself. Opportunities are quite limited and it’s a bit disheartening when you miss opportunities solely because of where you come from. In this article I will be talking about how I managed to turn my daily projects into a 7-Figure success.

From Zero to 1 Million: A Nigerian Developer’s Game-Changing Journey 🚀

I would like to admitting that there is no exact blueprint or guide to stepping out of the shadows and becoming a partially more successful developer but here is my story and hopefully it helps you create an idea of what the challenges and the ah-ha moments were for me.

I started out as a web developer somewhere around 2018 and to be quite honest it almost started to seem like I would not get that big break but around 2020 I started becoming intentional about my routines, the people I engage with, how I presented myself because that’s something that don’t get talked about quite as much as it should be talked about but that’s for another article.

I created a routine on my google calender, planned my weeks ahead and slowly started to filter out distractions and setting clear goals for myself. And then I came across one of the best productivity experts “Ali Abdaal” and in his teachings I learnt to be more intentional about my goals and prioritizing things that actually matter, such as sending those emails to companies, not being afraid to follow up on those emails and focus on building myself and presenting myself as the expert that I am as a Frontend developer.

Breaking Barriers: The Short Road from Coding Enthusiast to Millionaire Developer 💡💼

I am no John Oseni or the likes but I am excited to say that I am on the right path to financial stability and even though I’ve garnered attention in what I do I still stay true to my art and my mission towards financial freedom and stability. As a tech enthusiast, my curiosity about the world of web development propelled me towards becoming a millionaire developer. Although I haven’t outlined a precise blueprint for overnight success, I’ve learned that working smartly, rather than solely relying on hard work and outdated methods, has been instrumental in my journey. And I wouldn’t say I have broken the barriers because I haven’t gotten to where I want to be and that still weighs heavily but in the long-run the fact that I enjoyed what I do propelled me forward and served as motivation in my everyday life.

Cracking the Code: How I Hit My First 1 Million as a Web Developer in Nigeria 🔐💸

Well to keep this short I didn’t make my money through the traditional methods of getting gigs and looking for employment, I trued but failed but here are what worked for me.

  • I began tutoring because there is always a market for the services you offer.
  • I started volunteering a lot which helped me in growing more connections with the people who really mattered and helped push my career forward.
  • I took the time to discover how I can turn what I like doing to what brings money and puts food on my table and still be happy and feeling energized while doing that and this is what “Ali Abdaal” called “Feel Good Productivity” in his new book.

Naija Developer’s Triumph: My Journey to a Million-Dollar Milestone 💻💰

In conclusion, it was indeed a rollercoaster and quite an exciting journey which thankfully yielded fruit and here I am writing my experience and hopefully you guys found this useful. Thanks for taking your time to read this. Till my next article.




Teen prodigy mastering school, work, life. 📚💼 Sharing secrets to crush your tasks and still have fun. 🚀🌟 #TeenLifeHacks