We’ve officially launched! Welcome to join the INKubator!

3 min readAug 18, 2018


On August 17th, we’re proud to announce that INKubator was officially launched in Seoul, Korea. To celebrate the launching of the INKubator, we’re also hosting the epic giveaway for 10,000,000 INK!

On August 17th, Ink Labs launched the INKubator in Seoul, Korea. Ink Co-founder TsukikawaYuu, Ink co-founder June Choi and special guest Mr. Ho-jun Lee attended the opening ceremony.

Developed by Ink Labs, INKubator is an intellectual property asset crowdfunding and trading platform for the global creative industries, with the implement of the blockchain technology. It provides a platform for the content creators to synchronize the original content creation, IP incubation and IP monetization under the decentralized conditions.

Special guest Mr.Lee delivered the opening speech and shared his vision on how the blockchain technology will change the creative industry. Mr. Lee is a South Korea manhwa writer, and his works were praised by the readers in Asia which has been adapted into several films and television shows.

Ink co-founder June Choi is the second speaker. Her speech started with the briefing of current creative industry and the challenges for the content creators. ‘ The global creative industry is a huge market with over $2.25 trillion revenues. The continuing production of the high-quality original contents is the foundation of this industry. However, the traditional market has limited the output of the high-quality contents. The artists are in a weak position in the current income distribution pattern.’ said June Choi, Ink co-founder, ‘IP incubation needs better access to fundings. That’s why we came up with the idea of INKubator, and we want to create an active channel for the artists to fulfill their dreams.’ She also explained the core functions of INKubator, including blockchain copyright registration, the crowdfunding platform, IP token issuance, etc.

In the end, Ink co-founder TsukikawaYuu announced the INKubator’s strategic partnership with Korean manhwa writer Mr. Lee, Wild Asia documentary series, and the top 10 Chinese website Tianya Club.

The INKubator opening ceremony was a great success, and we are delighted to share this precious moment with the local artists and investors. Follow us on medium and stay tuned!

We’re hosting the epic giveaway to celebrate the launching of INKubator!

Click https://inkubator.ex.ink/announcement/1 to Register Now and Get 300 INK!!!! First come first serve rule apply and don’t miss it!




INKubator for Creative Incubation! *For customer support, please add inkubator01 on Telegram.