Justice Weaponization: A Dangerous Game of Public Trust

Inkwell Insighter
Published in
7 min readApr 20, 2023
A person holding a board printing with “NO JUSTICE NO PEACE,” who was a member of a protest.
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Justice is essential in any society, as it ensures fairness and equality for all. However, when weaponized, it can be used to suppress dissent and maintain authority. In this article, we will discuss the historical and contemporary perspectives of weaponizing justice, its impact on policing and prosecution, the media, and public trust. By examining these issues, we aim to reveal the hidden agenda behind weaponizing justice and the need for prevention and reform.

Historical and Contemporary Perspective on Weaponizing Justice

Throughout history, those in power have used justice as a tool to maintain control and suppress dissent. For instance, during the Spanish Inquisition, thousands of people were punished for their beliefs or associations rather than any actual wrongdoing. Similarly, during the McCarthyism era in the United States, individuals were accused of being communists or sympathizers and faced severe legal consequences.

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In modern times, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been accused of weaponizing Justice to suppress dissent and maintain control, both within and outside of China. A notable example is Miles Guo, a Chinese dissident who came to the United States in January 2015. Ava, one of Miles Guo’s associates, reported that the CCP arrested his family and employees and seized his private assets. When Miles Guo announced in March 2017 that Voice of America would interview him, the CCP again arrested and mistreated his family and employees and threatened him with unrestricted legal warfare in the United States if he did not stop.

The impact of weaponizing Justice can be severe, with marginalized communities often bearing the brunt of the consequences. For instance, a report published by Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) found that Black and Brown communities in the United States are disproportionately targeted by the criminal justice system, with higher rates of arrests, convictions, and harsher sentences. This perpetuates systemic racism and undermines the legitimacy of the justice department.

Policing, Prosecution, and Weaponizing Justice

Weaponizing prosecution in the system of Justice refers to misusing prosecutorial power to achieve political or personal goals, such as in criminal investigations. It was reported that prosecutorial misconduct was a factor in nearly a third of all exonerations from 1989 to 2019. It includes cases where prosecutors withheld evidence, coerced witnesses, or made false statements.

In addition, in 2020, the Department of Justice’s Inspector General found that the FBI had engaged in numerous instances of misconduct in its investigation of former President Donald Trump's campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, such as in the case of the Manhattan District Attorney’s office. This included withholding exculpatory evidence and using surveillance warrants based on incomplete or inaccurate information. These examples illustrate how weaponizing prosecution can undermine the justice system’s integrity.

The negative impacts of weaponizing Justice are numerous and far-reaching. For example, according to Gallup News, only 19% of Black adults in the United States say they have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the police, compared to 43% of White adults. It suggests that the weaponization of Justice may be eroding trust in law enforcement among marginalized communities.

Additionally, weaponizing Justice can have a chilling effect on free speech and other civil liberties, as people become afraid to speak out or engage in activities that may draw the attention of law enforcement, such as at school board meetings. This can stifle dissent and limit the ability of marginalized communities to advocate for their rights.

Female metal statue holds balanced scale, symbolizing impartiality and fairness in justice.
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Media and Weaponizing Justice

The media is critical in shaping public opinion and influencing perceptions of Justice. However, when the media is weaponized, it can be used to manipulate public opinion, spread propaganda, and disseminate false information. This can lead to a lack of trust in the justice department and erode public confidence in the media as a source of reliable information.

According to the International Republican Institute’s compendium of case studies, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been actively trying to expand its influence globally. To achieve this goal, it has been using propaganda and disinformation campaigns that aim to discredit liberal democracies led by Western countries in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the same time, the CCP has been working to position itself as a leader in the global response to the pandemic by offering vaccine diplomacy and providing protective equipment. However, it has also been using threats to withhold support from governments that do not comply with its political agenda. Such an agenda includes controversial issues such as the status of Taiwan, Hong Kong protests, and the treatment of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang.

This weaponization of media and propaganda by the CCP demonstrates how weaponizing Justice can suppress dissent, target marginalized groups, and maintain power, including federal agencies. Moreover, by manipulating public opinion and disseminating false information, the CCP can undermine trust in democratic institutions and erode public confidence in the media as a source of reliable information.

Public Trust in the Justice System

Public trust is a vital component of any justice system, as it allows individuals to have confidence in the fairness and impartiality of the system. When the public trusts the justice department, they are more likely to cooperate with law enforcement, report crimes, and abide by the law. This cooperation and adherence to the rule are crucial for a just and stable society.

However, when Justice is weaponized, public trust in the system of justice can be eroded. This occurs because weaponizing Justice creates a perception that Justice is being used for political gain or to target specific individuals or groups rather than for the pursuit of fairness and equality. The erosion of trust can have a significant impact, leading to decreased cooperation with law enforcement and a loss of faith in the justice system’s ability to serve society’s needs.

The CCP’s efforts to expand its influence worldwide and undermine Western-led liberal democracies demonstrate how weaponizing Justice can negatively impact public trust. The CCP uses propaganda and lies to make people believe its actions are right even when they are wrong. It makes people distrust the justice system and feel like Justice is being used for political reasons instead of being fair for everyone. Preventing and fixing the weaponization of Justice is crucial to maintain people’s trust in the justice system and protecting democratic institutions.

Prevention and Reform of Weaponizing Justice

Munich Architecture Court Of Justice
Photo by FelixMittermeier on Pixabay

Stopping and improving the use of weaponized Justice requires different actions and rules. It is essential to take proactive measures to ensure that the justice system operates fairly and impartially, without biases or political influence.

Steps to prevent weaponizing Justice include implementing federal government policies that ensure fair and equitable policing and prosecution practices. It involves training law enforcement officers to recognize and avoid discriminatory practices such as racial profiling and stop-and-frisk. Prosecutors can also be held accountable for their actions, and discretion can be reduced to ensure that charges are not used to intimidate or punish individuals.

Implementing policies to prevent weaponizing Justice can also involve increased transparency and accountability measures. It includes expanding public access to information about the justice system and holding officials accountable for their actions. For example, establishing independent oversight committees or requiring officials to disclose any conflicts of interest can help prevent the weaponization of Justice.

To reform weaponized Justice, we must tackle systemic issues like racism and inequality that contribute to its misuse. That could mean changing laws and policies to ensure the justice system doesn’t unfairly target marginalized communities. Additionally, providing resources and support to those who have experienced injustices in the system or have been wrongly convicted is also essential.


In conclusion, the weaponization of justice is a detrimental practice used to suppress dissent, target marginalized groups, and maintain power. Both historical and contemporary examples illustrate the negative consequences of weaponizing justice, particularly in the areas of policing, prosecution, media, and public trust. To prevent and address the weaponization of justice, proactive measures are needed, such as implementing policies that promote fair and equitable treatment, increasing transparency and accountability, and confronting systemic issues like racism and inequality. By undertaking these actions, we can ensure that justice operates fairly and impartially, without biases or political influence, and maintain public trust in the justice system.

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Inkwell Insighter

Experienced writer & researcher | An authoritative voice on environmentalism, history, social justice, and international relations.