UFO’s, Aliens, Conspiracy: Book Review, UFO’s by Leslie Kean

Kendra Marks-McMahan
2 min readMar 12, 2018

Okay, first off I would like to preface by saying that I have been an avid UFO/E.T. researcher since I was about 10-years-old…or whenever dial-up internet was born.

Good, glad that’s out of the way.

Having said all that, this book is a fantastic collection of solid sources sharing their accounts of the UFO phenomenon, regardless of how damaging it could be to their career.

Probably the biggest emphasis of this book, in a nutshell, is that when Project Blue Book was discontinued, the United States blatantly used media outlets to sway public opinion that anyone who believed in UFO’s was a “visionary”; also known as modern day “conspiracy theorist”. In addition to that, basically every other government in the world is far more diligent in terms of taking this phenomenon seriously. Regardless of whether you read this book or not, you should definitely Google these things: COMETA Report, The Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure, and The Rendlesham Forest incident.

So while I skimmed through the last 100 pages or so of this book (per preface) it is a fantastic compilation of not only strong witness accounts from “Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials”, it has a forward by John Podesta who served under Clinton, and it includes an essay from Nick Pope (former employee of the U.K.’s Ministry of Defence), and well…

Basically, you should read this book if you are a skeptic, give this book to anyone who is a skeptic and keep it on your shelf in case you have company at your house who is a skeptic.

Lastly, this is a call to action that we should take seriously. Get involved one way or another.

I rare look at the shoes of Kendra Marks-McMahan!

File this under: UFO’s, Conspiracy Theories, Government Cover-Ups, Aliens



Kendra Marks-McMahan

Author of, BINARIUS. Writer of words. Grower of food. Crafter of curiosities. Fighter of injustice. Caster of spells.