Writer Ashna Chand Dedicates A Write-up.

3 min readJun 18, 2024


Ashna Chand is a creative writer whose words paint vivid landscapes of emotion and imagination, with a pen as her compass, she navigates the uncharted territories of the human experience, crafting stories that linger long after the final page is turned and she believes that her words have the power to connect hearts, heal people, strengthen the weak, and take you to the world of your dreams.

You can read her writing and learn more about her and here is a write-up written by her : -

How can organizing skills excel your every task?

Ever wondered what makes the difference between an Excellence and Inability, Awesome and Awful, Zeal and Lethargy or in simple words, Unique and Ordinary?

The difference is simply organizing tasks. Organizing skills makes your each and every task easy and more presentable. Whether you aspire to be successful in any field or wish to reach various day to day goals of your own interests, the key is to learn organizing tasks. This is a vital aspect, which most of us tend to ignore in the rush of achieving more and more goals in the present fast and modern time.

Take a look back, how were your school time activities? It was all well-arranged, no guilt for incomplete or improper homework, right? A good excuse when we grow up can be - we now have no fears of any punishments, or no more limitations by our parents and teachers. But the frenzied mind can work remarkably when it is instructed properly all the time. If a structure has eased every basic task we were taught since childhood, let’s pursue the same skill and make it as our character?


There are various ways to be organized. It depends on individuals’ nature and interests, which style they apply to their work. Although, talking about a particular style would not be fair. An organized person likes to lineup each and every work from stem to stern. It is obvious to have several ways of placing countless chores in order. For example, setting up a closet is totally different job from tidying up a house. Yet, both involve organizing skills. Also if these are assigned to two different people, it will result in two different ways. You either learn the skill or create your own; it has its many-sides to gain. Like the Swiss artist Ursus Wehrli, the most organized man of the world, who found the unusual organizing/tidying up art. I wonder for his amazing skills! How beautifully he simplifies a complicated art piece, just by putting it in order.


Beauty certainly lies in neatness and not in chaos. Each one of us likes to be surrounded by beauty everywhere. For any one thing to be beautiful, it needs to be clean and in order. Do you love to work in an unclean place? Are you going to eat food which is delicious, but served on an untidy table? Will you get a sound sleep on a filthy bed? Aw! A messy place is never pretty. It is even funny at times; imagine a person who has no fixed place for his mobile wakes up on his morning alarm. While looking for it, he suddenly bumps into the door in panic. The true glory of the whole kit and caboodle is in its own form and place.


Excellence goes hand in hand with organizing. Observe any excellent job done, you will find that particular steps were followed to finish it. Otherwise, following an organized structure of any work, leads a newbie to the excellence. A brilliant game like ‘Chess’ is played with pre-organized rules. Also a player would orderly think of forthcoming moves and then play his move. One who can best fit impending chances in game is the winner. Hence, systematic skills are not only for the professional work but also for fun activities.

It is a misconception of some people, who think they don’t have trait of organizing. This skill isn’t in blood, it has to be developed. To adapt this skill, a persistent practice is required. Train your mind to work in an organized way, even while you do any casual work such as eating your food. Gradually you will observe your entire routine nicely ordered. Consequently you will receive excellence in all.

