Haetano Peshe

Inna Kozhurina
2 min readDec 29, 2017


Haetano Peshe is a famous modern designer, living legend. His main design principle is “women design” concept. Idea of this concept provides emotions, it affects on our feelings during touching, eyes, ears.

His amorphys armchair symbolizes women, fertility. This armchair was created without stiffening rib, only cloth and filler.

I like his products, because here we can see brilliant functionality with cozy and lifefull emotions. Of course, function is totaly important for designers, but people will not love products without soul. Haetano understand it and his product are alive.

Haetano is not only designer. He tried to apply his skills like artist and architector. Here you can see results of this work. I am not sure, that all these subjects was designed by Dhiter Rams principles, but they are realy cozy and nice.

The strong side of Peshe’s design is choice of materials. He always experiments with different kinds of them, and merges it. Consiquently we can see amasing unusual things.

I suppose that Haetano uderstand one important thing about people. We can know about different function of teapot, we know, that metal cilindrical teapot will be usefill, light and simple to clean. But if you wrote “Emotional design” by Donald Norman, you could know, that we choose unusual interesting and cozy things, that gives us emotions. I thing, it is a reason of designers appearence — to merge function and emotions, and Haetano Peshe make it.

