7–7–7 Rule in Dating: Honeymoon Phase Forever

3 min readOct 1, 2023


We have all been there. One minute you are both in love and all too soon you hit stagnancy where everything about your partner annoys you or perhaps you are just bored. Besides, unless you are in your early 20s, life catches on and it becomes all too easy for our relationships to take a backseat.

Whether you’re in a long-term partnership or a budding new romance, tending to your connection is much like tending to a garden — or a pet. It needs constant care and attention to survive. That’s where the 7–7–7 rule in dating steps in — a simple yet potent strategy to keep that fire burning.

What is the 7–7–7 Rule? The key to staying in the honeymoon phase

The 7–7–7 rule is like a roadmap for your relationship. It’s designed to make sure that you and your partner continue to build and strengthen your bond. It’s all about cherishing quality time together at different intervals: once every 7 days, 7 weeks, and 7 months.

The Weekly Connection: Date Night (Every 7 Days)

In the midst of your job, your hobbies, your friends, your need to recharge alone, finding time for each other can be a real challenge. That’s why the 7–7–7 rule kicks off with a weekly commitment — a date night. It’s your chance to escape the daily grind and focus on what made you fall in love in the first place.

Sample Questions to ask each other:

  • How can we make our weekly date nights special and meaningful?
  • What are some creative date night ideas that we can explore?
  • How can we use this time to communicate and connect better?

Once every 7 weeks, plan a weekend getaway with your boo. It’s a chance to break free from your usual surroundings and share new experiences together.

Use this time to check-in with your partner and address if there is anything going wrong with the relationship, how they are feeling and where their mind is at.

The Grand Adventure: Extended Vacation (Every 7 Months)

In the midst of our hectic lives, having something to look forward to as a couple is like a breath of fresh air. The 7–7–7 rule suggests planning an extended vacation every seven months. It’s not just a getaway; it’s a chance to embark on a grand adventure together, strengthening your connection and creating lasting memories.

Sample Questions to ask each other:

  • How can we save and plan for our 7-month adventure to make it truly special?
  • What destinations or experiences have we always dreamed of exploring together?
  • How can we leverage this vacation to grow both as individuals and as a couple?

The 7–7–7 rule in dating is more than just a schedule; it’s a commitment to the growth and vitality of your relationship. By dedicating time every seven days, seven weeks, and seven months, you ensure that your bond remains strong, vibrant, and filled with love. So, start planning those date nights, weekend getaways, and grand adventures — your relationship will thank you for it.

Originally published at https://www.innerhance.com on October 1, 2023.

