Splendid Pets: Cat That Looks Like a Lion

In NewsWeekly
1 min readMar 17, 2022

If you desire a cat that looks like a lion, the Chausie, and Somali felines are crossbreeds that both have Abyssinian as well as wild pet cat breeds in them, providing an unique African wild pet cat appearance.

There are numerous feline breeds that make superb animals. In recent years feline dog breeders have made sure that you can have a feline that looks similar to a lion or tiger. These cats are referred to as crossbreeds — domestic residence cats intentionally crossbred with wild pet cat selections to bring about a wild side to the feline. A few of these crossbreed breeds are the Savannah cat, Somali, Toyger, Chausie, and others.

Having a wild side makes some of these pet cats a bit unpredictable and also this indicates that there are anti-hybrid groups who state that these pet cats need to never come to be family pets, as well as must not be bred to begin with.

Read More @ https://bit.ly/3p6i0uO

