JavaScript — Scope

Inseok Chang
3 min readMar 17, 2023


Today I want to talk about Scope in JavaScript

Scope : “Determines the accessibility of variables, objects, and functions from different parts of the code”

So what does that mean?

Before we talk about what a Scope is let’s talk about block .

A block is a group of statements.

For example

function helloWorld {
console.log("Hello World!");
if (i === 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
console.log("Hello World!");

Everything inside { } is considered a block.

So if we have a function

function helloWorld();
let hello = "Hello World!";
return hello;

how do I print this?

helloWorld();    //just executes the function doesn't print anything
console.log(helloWorld()); //prints "Hello World!"

then how about


this will result in

error: hello is not defined

Why is that?

It’s because the code cannot access the variable hello from inside the function.

There are a few different type of Scopes .

  1. Block Scope

simply, declared inside a variable, cannot be used outside

//x cannot be used here
let x = 3
//x can be used here
//x cannot be used here

2. Function Scope

similar to a Block Scope , but declared inside a function, can only be used in a function

//x cannot be used here
function haveNumber {
let x = 3;
//x can be used here
//x cannot be used here

3. Global Scope

variable declared outside a block, can be used anywhere in the code

let x = 3;  //x can be used here

function haveNumber {
return x;
//x can be used here

console.log(x); //x can be used here

Scope Pollution

Once a variable is declared globally, it takes whats called a global namespace . namespace is the range which a variable can be used. namespace is the same as scope , but the term is used when we talk about variable names.

Let’s look at an example,

you can notice that the value of dog1 changed to “Hana” from “Cony”

Good Scoping

Then we need to get in habit to write code with good scoping practices.

What do we need to do to keep it clean?

Best way is to not globally declare variables. Sometimes it’s inevitable but however it’s best to keep the variables inside blocks.

Not only does a tightly scoped code increase the quality of the code, it also increases the readability. It also increases the maintainability.

Let’s get in a good habit together!

