Playfully planting trees

innou app
3 min readMay 30, 2019


- without getting your fingers dirty? #WTE

Hi guys, it’s me again — Anna from the INNOU community.
Remember when I asked you to stay tuned for our next article so that you can find out how on earth we managed to figure out a way to plant real trees with the INNOU Game?

Now is the time!

To give you a quick heads-up:

The INNOU Game combines the pressing topic of worldwide nature preservation with the possibilities of modern technology to create a scenario where the player becomes both, the fictional and real savior of our planet.

What exactly did we do? Well, INNOU invented an interactive GPS based mobile game that is not only entertaining and superfun but also serves as an informative guide for the player’s everyday life. On the GPS map you will find all the shops that accept crypto-currencies as payment method in general,
but since we are a sustainable company, we especially want to raise awareness for semi-sustainable and sustainable shops. For this reason, these shops will be highlighted in green. Simply, because they deserve it.

In the initial phase, we start tackling the CO2 crisis by planting trees in cooperation with the NGO „Plant-For-The-Planet”

For players to be able to keep an eye on their “planting progress” our so-called “Tree Score” will help them visualize and compare their current green contribution with that of other players.

If it was about writing a basic article, I would probably now give away all the information necessary to fully understand the game and its storyboard, but guys — that is not how we roll. So again, I will have to ask you to stay tuned for more ;).

The main focus of this article, as promised in the previous one, is to explain how we managed to actually plant trees in the real world. By playing a game. Since I am a strongly visual person, I asked the INNOU team to please customize a diagram, where the transformation from the digital to the real world to real trees is elaborately explained.

Are you as excited as I am?
Alright, then follow me to the INNOU website to check that out!

Anna, blogger and good vibes spreader at INNOU



innou app

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