The Future of Office Equipment: Advancements in Copiers and Printers

9 min readDec 23, 2023


If someone from this century travelled back to the 15th century and told Johannes Gutenberg about today’s multitasking office copy equipment, he would probably laugh in their face. The world is your oyster when you think outside the box. Gutenberg was an innovative thinker, but it’s highly debatable that he would’ve considered a digital reality.

The shift from the printing press to the xerographic process took at least 500 years. After this 20th-century invention, the world saw upgrade after upgrade quickly, with printing technology like Dot Matrix, inkjet, and laser printers by Canon, Sharp, and Lexmark.

This article will take a closer look at the technology that has transformed this $9.69 billion industry since the tech explosion of the 1990s.

Cloud Integration in Office Copier Printers

Cloud integration connects data from different sources to streamline central management. It is a widely adopted albeit fragmented approach to improving the printing process through digital technology.

Cloud integration isn’t perfect; it is marred by connectivity, security, and agility issues. However, organizations overcome these challenges by complementing print technology with managed print solutions.

Once connectivity and cybersecurity stop being a problem, cloud integration becomes a game-changer for contemporary officeequipment. Connecting copiers and printers to the cloud allows employees to access, share, and store documents from anywhere. It allows coworkers to collaborate on group assignments despite belonging to different departments and divisions. It also enables many companies to retain a hybrid work model after the pandemic.

Benefits of Cloud Integration

Once you introduce the Sharp BP70M36 B&W MFP to your workplace, maintaining flexible operations will be easier. Your employees no longer need to be physically present near the office printer to print documents.

Since everything is connected to the cloud, your employees can send you important documents by processing print jobs from home. They can also print and retrieve those documents the next day to save time.

Furthermore, email attachments and manual file transfers are almost redundant, thanks to cloud-connected printers.

Cloud-connected copy machines and printers remain unrivaled in terms of cybersecurity. Staff members can send sensitive data without fearing a leak, for the cloud will encrypt it for unauthorized parties. User authentication further curtails the security risk, enabling companies to limit access to authorized personnel.

Office Copy Equipment with Mobile Printing Solutions

The global mobile printing industry is expected to rival the conventional print market in growth and demand by 2026. Despite or perhaps because of the wireless nature of today’s printers, most prefer to send print jobs where it’s most convenient. They don’t want to go to a laptop or desktop computer to perform an action that will take minutes, maybe seconds.

Thus, businesses don’t just expect their office copy equipment to support wireless printing, but they also expect it to support wireless printing from all devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones.

Thus, contemporary printers and copiers have accessible network connectivity options, such as Near Field Communication (NFC), Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi Direct. These options allow seamless connections between mobile devices and copy machines or printers.

The practice is made more accessible through mobile printing apps with intuitive interfaces, print job management, and customization options like those found on desktop apps.

Benefits of Mobile Printing Solutions

Mobile printing solutions enable document printing on the go, contributing to efficiency and productivity and completing time-sensitive tasks on time.

The reduced reliance on desktop computers and laptops also frees up resources, allowing you to hire more office-based personnel as a juxtaposition to your home-based workers.

The Integration of Sustainability Features

With the world growing warmer faster than experts anticipated, there has been a noticeable shift toward sustainability in company policies. Environmental responsibility is ubiquitous, and office equipment is no exception.

One kilogram of regular commercial print paper output generates one kilogram of carbon dioxide. However, the number is much lower for carbon-neutral print paper. It should also be noted that the greenhouse gas emissions by Canada’s pulp and paper industry have fallen by 79% since the late-1900s.

The Sustainable Measures by Equipment Manufacturers

Adding to the sustainability measures are office printer manufacturers like Canon and Sharp, who have responded to the concerns by incorporating eco-friendly features to reduce the carbon footprint.

Energy-efficient tactics, such as the induction of energy-saving modes, enable these machines to consume less power or turn off while on standby mode.

As for the production lines, manufacturers are introducing recycled materials (plastics and metals) to produce new printers and copiers. Sustainable design practices have further extended the life of these machines, reducing landmine waste. The latter is reduced further through streamlined recycling methods.

Printing options also reflect the manufacturer’s commitment to sustainability. By introducing duplex printing, for example, contemporary office printers slash commercial paper usage in half.

Manufacturers offer grayscale printing in colour printers, minimizing ink or toner consumption for non-essential documents. Using fewer consumables reduces waste and operational expenses, making it a win-win for everyone involved.

Office Copy Equipment Equipped with IoT Technology

The Canadian Internet of Things market is on the rise across several industries. It encompasses the automotive, healthcare, consumer, industrial, and financial sectors. Copy machines and office printers fall somewhere in these industries and are not without IoT integration.

IoT-Enabled Printing Equipment: Pros and Cons

Today’s IoT-enabled printing equipment is a smarter and more efficient version of its predecessors. IoT is why you can hire managed print services to remotely monitor, provide support, and conduct proactive maintenance on your printers and copiers. These service providers can also use IoT to prevent paper jams and toner shortages.

Furthermore, the technology enables real-time data collection on printer health and usage so businesses can harness the information to optimize their operations and reduce downtime.

It also makes smart printing suggestions according to user preferences. Examples include double-sided printing, grayscale mode, and multiple pages per sheet. Of course, it’s the user’s prerogative to decide between sustainable and not-so-sustainable options when printing essential or non-essential documents.

Data security and privacy concerns are the only downsides of IoT integration in printing equipment. While manufacturers leave some room for a security breach, Victoria-based businesses can take it upon themselves to prevent cyber threats and ensure privacy through managed IT services.

Automating Through Artificial Intelligence

Copiers and printers are no more the devices you thought they were. They don’t print, scan, archive, and index information when you ask them to, not literally. Technically, they still perform routine tasks, day in and day out, with an added kick of artificial intelligence (AI).

The Infinite Potential of AI Technologies

AI-driven technologies have equipped office printers with the newfound ability to analyze documents, conduct data analysis, and automate the everyday print jobs mentioned above.

AI-driven copy machines automate document processing, allowing your staff to focus their attention elsewhere and giving you one less possibility of a human error to worry about. These machines can automatically archive, categorize, and tag the documents churned through their system. This makes it easier to search for and retrieve them in the future.

Automated troubleshooting reduces maintenance costs and saves time. The AI in your device(s) can analyze errors, detect unusual patterns, make appropriate suggestions, and be your technical support team free of cost.

Lastly, Canon office printers with artificial intelligence allow behaviour analysis. These devices study how users operate and make personalized recommendations to optimize settings and habits and save time for higher productivity. For instance, if you frequently use the double-sided printing option, the printer might suggest making it your default setting, thus reducing the frequent deployment of consumables.

Multifunction Printers: A Cost-effective Approach

As the world becomes more digital, less is more gains more traction in the office equipment industry. Multifunction copiers/printers are a step in that direction.

The Unique Selling Points of Multifunction Printers

With every new copy machine, we see more features, functions, and options for the office-going and work-from-home workforce. Letting a single machine handle a single task is a thing of the past; it’s redundant, for no one can remember the last time they bought a printer for the sole purpose of printing documents.

In today’s digital era, multifunction printers can copy, scan, archive, store, and print multiple documents in more than two colours. Some models even staple and bind the prints, saving users time and effort.

With one machine handling the work of several, the link between the digital and physical modes is stronger than ever. It helps smaller businesses avoid the hassle of buying dedicated equipment for every task and is equipped with cybersecurity firmware to avoid data breaches.

Parting Words: A Word of Advice for the Corporate Sector

While the present straits and future projections for office copy equipment look promising, there are several reasons they are accompanied by managed print solutions.

Adopting cutting-edge print technology exposes you to potential upsides and downsides. Managed print service providers can help companies tackle some, if not all, of the following challenges.

1. Upfront Investment

Office printers save money in the short and long run but require initial capital. If you’re considering buying these cutting-edge printers, factor in the return on investment, maintenance expenses, and the amount you stand to save on supplies and energy. The answer should come naturally.

If the answer doesn’t favour buying printing equipment, you can always lease office printers and copy machines for a short time. By renting the equipment, you’ll enjoy the above technological advancements without making an upfront investment.

2. Cybersecurity Concerns

According to a recent National Cyber Threat Assessment by the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, ransomware is the most disruptive cybersecurity concern for local residents and firms.

As connectivity in office copy equipment becomes more mainstream, so do your chances of attracting malicious actors. Businesses are advised to invest in robust cybersecurity measures and implement authorized access to keep such threats out of their domain.

You can always avail managed IT services in Victoria if you don’t know where to start securing your network.

3. Lack of Training

Managed IT services can also help your employees get accustomed to new technology. Even the most tech-savvy individuals can fall prey to a cyber threat or fail to make the most of advanced office equipment they have never heard about or used.

Familiarize your employees with the features and functions of the new equipment by investing in a couple of training programs. It will make them more adept and confident about using the technology.

4. Environmental Impact

Just because you have purchased a sustainable copy machine doesn’t mean the sustainable part will kick into gear as soon as you turn it on. The eco-friendly inputs require some setup support, but you can easily avail that at Innov8.

Secondly, dispose of old copiers and printers the right way. Follow the disposal recommendations for e-waste on your municipality’s website to downgrade its harmful effects on the local and wider environment.

Purchase or Lease Office Copy Equipment from the Future

There’s no doubt that the future of print technology is exciting. It continues to evolve at a breakneck speed to meet the ever-changing needs of its users and reshape how businesses operate.

Office printers have come a long way since the days of simple paper handling. They are the intuitive, responsive, responsible, and productive devices our connected world needs today. Find these commercial digital printers for sale at Innov8, one of Canada’s most prominent dealers of office copy equipment with a 40-year legacy.

Get in touch for a free consultation or inquiries about copier machines, leasing multifunction printers and buying canon printers.




Now you can buy office copier printers to make the printing process smoother.