A Heartfelt Thank You to Aliyah Bey

Morgan O. Smith
2 min readJan 5, 2024


An Inspiring Yinnergy Participant

As we journey through the myriad paths of life, it’s the connections we forge that often leave the most indelible marks on our hearts and minds. Today, I feel compelled to express my deepest gratitude to a remarkable individual who has been an unwavering pillar of support and inspiration in our Yinnergy community – Aliyah Bey.

I first had the pleasure of e-meeting Aliyah Bey in September of last year, following my appearance on the Canaanland Moors podcast, graciously hosted by my friend and colleague, Kudjo El. Aliyah, a dedicated mother and an exemplary homeschool teacher, stood out with her earnest engagement and insightful contributions.

In this digital age, where interactions often lack the warmth of physical presence, Aliyah’s support for my work and the Yinnergy Meditation community has been nothing short of extraordinary. Despite never having met her in person, her impact is palpable and deeply appreciated. She embodies the spirit of Yinnergy – a willingness to learn, an eagerness to grow, and a heart that generously supports others.

Her consistent communication, eagerness to embrace new knowledge, and encouragement for my writing endeavours – particularly this blog, which she follows regularly – have been sources of immense motivation. It is rare to find someone who so genuinely revels in the success and growth of others, and Aliyah does just that with a grace that is both humbling and empowering.

Aliyah, if you are reading this – and I have a strong feeling you are – I want to extend my sincerest thanks to you. Your presence in the Yinnergy community is a gift that keeps giving. You remind us of the power of kindness, the strength in community, and the beauty of a supportive spirit. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You!

In closing, I hope this message serves as a reminder to us all about the importance of appreciation, support, and community. We may not always have the opportunity to meet those who touch our lives in person, but their influence is no less significant. To Aliyah, and to all who contribute to the tapestry of our shared experiences, thank you for being the light on this journey.

Morgan O. Smith




Morgan O. Smith

Morgan O. Smith: Former "Buzz" co-host turned meditation/spiritual teacher. Founded Yinnergy Meditation post-2008 epiphany. Author of "Bodhi in the Brain".