Burn Bodhi Tree Burn

Morgan O. Smith
2 min readJan 27, 2024


Dispelling Illusions in the Quest for Enlightenment

In a provocative turn of thought, the recent symbolic burning of the Bodhi tree, a revered figure in Buddhist lore as the tree under which Buddha attained enlightenment, stirs a profound metaphysical debate. This act, far from being a mere iconoclastic gesture, serves as a powerful metaphor for a deeper philosophical introspection into the nature of enlightenment and reality.

The Bodhi tree, in this context, is not just a physical entity but a symbol of the very concept of enlightenment. Its burning signifies the rejection of material and conceptual attachments, even those as sacred as the Bodhi tree and the Buddha himself. This metaphorical act challenges the adherents of Buddhism and spiritual seekers to question the very foundation of their beliefs.

The argument posits that both the Bodhi tree and the Buddha are manifestations within ‘Maya’, the illusory world as described in various Eastern philosophies. According to this view, the physical and the conceptual are mere distractions from the true nature of reality. The burning of the Bodhi tree symbolizes the destruction of these illusions, urging individuals to look beyond physical symbols and established doctrines in their spiritual journey.

The concept of enlightenment, as traditionally understood, is also questioned. This perspective argues that any preconceived notion of enlightenment is not enlightenment itself. True enlightenment, as per this radical view, is beyond concepts and intellectual constructs. It is a state of being that transcends the conventional understanding of spiritual attainment.

Thus, the metaphor of burning the Bodhi tree and the figure beneath it calls for a complete relinquishment of all notions and concepts related to enlightenment. In doing so, it suggests that a state of ‘true enlightenment’ can be realized. This state is described as the only reality, achievable only when one abandons all preconceived ideas and embarks on a journey devoid of attachment to any symbol or doctrine.

The provocative nature of this idea lies in its challenge to established beliefs and practices. It invites a reevaluation of what constitutes the path to enlightenment, urging a detachment from even the most sacred of symbols and figures. This perspective is not a call to physical action but a metaphorical invitation to burn down the internal ‘Bodhi trees’ – the deeply ingrained beliefs and concepts that might hinder the realization of true enlightenment.

Morgan O. Smith

Yinnergy Meditation, Spiritual Life Coaching & My Book, Bodhi in the Brain…Available Now!




Morgan O. Smith

Morgan O. Smith: Former "Buzz" co-host turned meditation/spiritual teacher. Founded Yinnergy Meditation post-2008 epiphany. Author of "Bodhi in the Brain".