The Crucible of Transformation

Morgan O. Smith
3 min readMar 29, 2024


Ego Death and Enlightenment in the Story of Yeshu’a

In the narrative of Yeshu’a, commonly known as Jesus Christ, the events leading up to and including the crucifixion and subsequent resurrection offer profound allegorical insights into the journey toward spiritual awakening and enlightenment. This narrative, when viewed through the lens of spiritual and psychological metamorphosis, echoes the concept of ego death – a foundational experience on the path to profound personal transformation and enlightenment.

The Crucifixion: An Allegory for Ego Death

Ego death represents the dissolution of the self-constructed identity, a moment where the illusion of the ‘I’, with all its attachments and identities, is seen through and transcended. In the story of Yeshu’a, the crucifixion symbolizes this intense moment of surrender. It is a vivid depiction of the relinquishment of personal identity, desires, and the very notion of selfhood, akin to the spiritual surrender required for the dissolution of the ego.

This moment is not about physical demise but rather a metaphorical death, where all that is false must be surrendered and ‘crucified’. The agony in the garden of Gethsemane, where Yeshu’a confronts his impending crucifixion, mirrors the inner turmoil one faces when confronting the ego’s dissolution. It’s a profound surrender to a will greater than one’s own, to a state of being that transcends individual identity.

The Resurrection: Enlightenment and Spiritual Awakening

Following the allegory of ego death, the resurrection emerges as a powerful symbol of enlightenment and spiritual awakening. In the aftermath of the ego’s dissolution, a new consciousness is born – one that is not confined by the limitations and illusions of personal identity. This is the ‘resurrected’ state, where one experiences a profound sense of unity with all existence, an unshakable peace, and an intrinsic understanding of one’s true nature beyond the ego.

The resurrection signifies the ultimate triumph over the limitations of the egoic mind, a rebirth into a state of consciousness where love, compassion, and wisdom prevail. It reflects the awakening to a life lived in profound alignment with the universal truths, embodying the essence of nonduality – where the distinction between self and other, life and death, is recognized as an illusion.

Reflections for the Spiritual Seeker

The narrative of Yeshu’a’s crucifixion and resurrection serves as a rich allegorical framework for understanding the journey toward spiritual enlightenment. It challenges us to confront our egoic constructs, to courageously face the dissolution of our self-imposed identities, and to emerge transformed by the experience of our intrinsic, undivided nature.

As spiritual seekers, this story invites us to reflect on our journey towards self-realization, encouraging us to embrace the crucible of transformation and to emerge, like Yeshu’a, reborn into the light of awareness and unity. It is a reminder that true liberation and enlightenment lie not in the avoidance of suffering or the clinging to identity but in the profound surrender and transcendence of the ego.

Morgan O. Smith

Yinnergy Meditation, Spiritual Life Coaching & My Book, Bodhi in the Brain…Available Now!



Morgan O. Smith

Morgan O. Smith: Former "Buzz" co-host turned meditation/spiritual teacher. Founded Yinnergy Meditation post-2008 epiphany. Author of "Bodhi in the Brain".