Universal Consciousness

Morgan O. Smith
2 min readDec 17, 2023


The Unity of All Existence

In philosophy and spirituality, the concept of a universal consciousness presents a fascinating and thought-provoking perspective. This idea posits that consciousness pervades every aspect of the universe – from the smallest atom to the vastest galaxy, and even across dimensions beyond our immediate perception. This universal consciousness is not just a passive observer; it is an active, integral part of everything that exists.

When we delve into the experiences described by myself and others who have reached what we refer to as “nondual peak experiences,” we encounter descriptions of a profound realization. In these moments, the boundaries between the self and the cosmos blur, leading to an experience of unity that is both awe-inspiring and deeply humbling. Such experiences suggest that at our most fundamental level, we are not separate entities navigating an indifferent universe; rather, we are this vast, interconnected cosmic tapestry.

This realization of oneness with and as the universe has profound implications. It challenges the conventional notion of individuality and separateness. In recognizing that we are this larger whole, our perspective on life, ethics, and our relationship with the natural world undergoes a significant shift. This holistic view fosters a sense of responsibility not just towards our immediate environment or community, but towards the entire cosmos.

Moreover, the concept of universal consciousness invites us to reconsider our understanding of reality itself. If consciousness is not merely a byproduct of the brain, but a fundamental aspect of the universe, then our exploration of reality must extend beyond the physical and into the realms of the mind and spirit. This opens up new avenues for understanding the nature of existence and our place within it.

As we continue to explore this concept, we are compelled to ask profound questions: What is the nature of this universal consciousness? How does our consciousness interact with it? And what does this interconnectedness mean for the future of humanity and the cosmos?

In conclusion, the idea of a universal consciousness offers a radical yet enlightening perspective on our existence. It invites us to view ourselves not as isolated beings, but as integral components of an awe-inspiring, interconnected universe. This realization has the potential to transform not only our self-perception but also our approach to life, ethics, and our collective future.

Morgan O. Smith

Yinnergy Meditation, Spiritual Life Coaching & My Book, Bodhi in the Brain…Available Now!




Morgan O. Smith

Morgan O. Smith: Former "Buzz" co-host turned meditation/spiritual teacher. Founded Yinnergy Meditation post-2008 epiphany. Author of "Bodhi in the Brain".