Latest Digital Marketing Trends to Look In This Year

Happy Patel
7 min readOct 3, 2023


In the aftermath of Covid-19, many changes occurred in both our physical and emotional environments. Day after day, people feared for their lives. Yet, the world continued to progress despite these terrible times.

With digital marketing, people were able to explore newer avenues, boost eCommerce, and explore the wonders of the Internet. Despite economic problems in recent years, many companies managed to stay afloat thanks to professional digital marketing agencies.

The future of digital marketing looks better than ever with constant developments. Consequently, trends that matter in 2022 might differ from those in 2021 due to the continued evolution of digital marketing.

A strategy that worked well in the past won’t necessarily work today, but you should never give up. Instead, it’s time to challenge yourself and stretch yourself!

Let’s take a look at some trends that will help you market your business effectively!

1) Stories Of Inspiration And Meaning

No matter whether you’re a business owner or an entrepreneur, it is essential to know that your product will be judged by its story, not necessarily its hype.

The right proof can help you sell even in tough times since they will see the quality of the idea and their real results (and no promises).

We’ve been studying stories about our products for decades, and we know that creating stories around them is one of the most effective marketing strategies. In today’s digital world, storytelling is fundamental to success.
Now, our customers don’t just want to hear the product’s great features; they want assurance that it will perform as expected and be efficient both now and in the future.

If you’re looking for solutions, telling meaningful real-life stories can be an effective way to stand out and rise above the competition.
In other words, the next time they face a similar problem, your solution will always be in the back of their minds since it’s so memorable.

2) The Power Of Artificial Intelligence And Forecasting

AI is helping to make influencer marketing more sophisticated.
Social influencers may have a larger following on more platforms than just Instagram or Facebook, so brands can use digital marketing tools for identifying engagement rates and tracking performance advertising.
AI makes it possible for brands to utilize social media feedback to improve their campaign strategy and avoid setbacks before they occur by using insights from social media.

By giving consumers access at every turn, they can quickly react to a brand’s latest product or decision. Marketers who adopt this trend will be able to release products with more informed risk than ever before.
Consequently, digital marketing agencies will use data science tools to forecast the behavior of consumers and encourage them to engage with their products and services.

3) The Game Of NFTs

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are digital assets that are traceable through blockchains. They are not the same as fungibles, which include unique properties but can easily change hands with little effort.

Tokens that can be traded in the market are defined by certain properties, like owner-proof and innovative contracts for royalties based on the terms of the original creator’s/owner’s contract with future reselling partners.

In the luxury goods industry, selling physical products has never been the only aspect of the business.

As NFTs and blockchain technologies gain traction, brands will have new platforms to effectively utilize word-of-mouth marketing and cut costs by eliminating the need for inventory storage or logistics networks.

4) Marketing Through Multiple Channels

The marketing channel diversification this year will enable brands to reach out to customers in new ways.
Maintaining a segmented strategy while preserving quality will be the key challenge.

5) Zero Position In The SERPs

A direct answer is a zero-click search result where the search engine optimization directly answers the query of the customer on the first page.

Another example occurs when you simply need more information about a specific product or service through searching online, and then you need to make sure it appears on the first page of the search engine results page for that product or service to be purchased.

A zero-click search engine optimization is changing the way users search. It is displayed primarily on mobile devices but is expected to grow even more on desktops.

Search results from zero-click sites have made SEOs and users’ lives easier due to the ease of identifying search intent, converting it into questions, and finding answers.

This direct display of information on the SERP can reduce the number of click-throughs on the website since the search query is answered directly on the page.

6) Small-Scale (Micro) Influencers

Some celebrities have a large following, making them excellent candidates for campaigns.

As they’re already popular enough, they don’t need any extra promotions from brands (and besides, if someone wants attention drawn towards themselves, then they may find fame helpful).

With micro-influencers as a source of hype, affiliate marketing can drive a great deal of traffic to businesses at a later point.

These celebrities may start doing off-Amazon promotions in upcoming years to drive external traffic to product listings to capitalize on this trend in eCommerce.

7) You Own Your Audience

Marketing through multiple channels doesn’t just mean using social media.
Email marketing is a highly effective marketing tactic, and this prediction couldn’t be left out!

In the past year, we’ve learned how frustrating it can be to be too reliant on channels and algorithms you don’t control.

From now on, brands will no longer treat email as an add-on but will focus on building their email lists first via whatever strategies and channels are available to them.

It will be less important to acquire new social media followers and more important to nurture your ideal audience and migrate them into your database.

8) Verified Listings On Google My Business

As lockdowns and curfews swept the nation, businesses were forced to employ tactics that engage customers locally.

Many local businesses, such as plumbers and veterinary clinics, have taken advantage of Google-verified listings.

Having a verified listing on Google boosts your SEO and makes your business appear for ‘near me’ searches, including the hours and address of your business.

Your Google My Business listing can be verified by checking the verification status. If it isn’t verified yet, you can go ahead and begin the process to have your business verified by Google.

9) Intent-Based Voice Search

Enterprises today heavily rely on data for their marketing plans.
Marketers can identify who will purchase by using consumer intent and market signals as part of their existing database of customers.

By identifying these individuals, it becomes simple to create content that drives conversions and helps increase sales.

As a result of using voice assistants together with search intent, semantic searches seem to be becoming increasingly popular.

As smart assistants like Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa become increasingly common on household appliances, enterprises need to prepare their online storefronts accordingly.

From running product searches to finding nearby locations, as well as making reservations, these assistants can guide you through many tasks!

10) The Metaverse: An Introduction

As cryptocurrencies and NFTs rise in popularity, marketers are also able to reach customers in different ways.

The likes of Facebook, for example, are pushing technologies to integrate physical and digital realities.

Smaller companies, by contrast, create augmented reality games that let users become fully immersed characters within these fantasy worlds.

11) Dominance Of Short-Form Content

Since our customers have limited attention spans, it’s crucial to ensure your content is engaging and entertaining. Short videos are a great way to get the customer’s attention.

The amount of information we can absorb at one time is limited, and engaging content is more likely to make an impression than messages or polls that are repeated constantly — which can feel overwhelming.

As a society, today’s consumers are looking for authenticity, so when they see a short video on social media, they want to feel like they’re seeing the truth from a celebrity or influencer.

Moreover, you can take these candid photos with your smartphone without having to spend much on production.

If you want to impress viewers, you do not always need a team behind-the-scenes recording footage assuming you are showing sophisticated skills, beautiful scenery, or any other aesthetic material.

12) Finding New Markets To Explore

In addition to the shift in business models caused by the pandemic, e-commerce has also grown.

The year is predicted to bring brands into new markets globally by leveraging the tools at their disposal.

The shift from brick-and-mortar to online forced businesses to learn a great deal about what works and what doesn’t, so now they can apply those findings to new markets.

However, be aware that something that works with one audience may not work for others! The winning brands are the ones that consider the local environment when marketing and incorporate lessons learned from the recent past.

How Does All This Affect You?

As we predicted, digital marketing will undergo major changes this year. The best way to prepare your business for success this year is to change your mindset.

When you are putting together your marketing strategy and setting your goals, challenge yourself to think differently. Try new things, and run with the idea that works.

Let us know if you agree with our predictions or what you have to say about 2022!



Happy Patel

I am working as a digital marketing specialist at Innvonix Tech Solutions which is a leading Mobile App Development Company.