The Power of 3 Words. Thank you, Please, and Sorry

Inocentia Regina Paramitha
2 min readMay 18, 2021


based on books, articles, and experience.

picture from : Unsplash

It’s simple, but for some people it’s hard to tell this words.

please, thank you, and sorry

Just with this three words, we seems like we have a good education. You just need to say it and practice everyday. It’s not easy. Pope Francis said that this three words is the key to living well and in peace both inside and outside the home.

Pope Francis will give some insights about communications style with ourselves and with the other persons we meet everyday. And this is about please, thank you, and sorry.

  • Please or May i?

This is like we just knock the door into someone’s life with respect and care. When you asking permission, is also knowing how to enter somebody else’s with courtesy. Lets talk about the deepest one called love. The more intimate, the more respect we need to wait for the other to open the door of his or her heart. And for your information, true love does not impose itself with hardness and aggression.

  • Thank you

Seems easy to say but, do we know how to say thank you? When we use thank you, we give some gratitude and appreciation for what another does. Little things like saying thank you to others can make a difference. Maybe you made others day. Thank you also teach us about gratitude, and recognition. Just look back, have we done say thank you in a good way ?

  • Sorry

The last word that super hard to say, certainly but so necessary. In our life we made many mistakes. That’s why we need to able use this word, sorry. I know saying sorry isn’t easy but first thing before we say sorry is ask ourself about this: have we recognize that we made some mistakes?

Many hurt feelings begin with the mistakes that loss of those precious words like “i am sorry”. Do you imagine if you are in a marriage life and there’s many arguments, then you don’t say this precious words to your spouse and close the conversation with emotional feelings? How do you feel?

just advice to you guys,

never let the day end without making a peace

and if you are parents, teach your childen about this three words. They will appreciate and respect with everything around them. Even it’s just a little things for them.

