Introducing InQ.Social

4 min readFeb 12, 2016


Every successful business needs to understand its customers. In the past, companies used to hire hordes of people with notepads that would ask people on the street questions about their opinions regarding a brand or a product. Today, many online businesses try to utilize lengthy pop-up questionnaires to get the answers to their questions, hoping people have the time to complete them and complete them honestly. This method didn’t work well in the past, and it still doesn’t work today.

In 2014, we started researching ways to improve and revolutionize how online businesses interact with their customers. The first thing we found was that pop-ups and anything else that could distract the users from the main content were a no-no and did nothing but annoy the potential customer. We found that the channel for communication must be simple, provide a clear statement and offer simple options for response. Secondly, we found that it must be incredibly easy to add this method of interaction to any website, even for folks without technical knowledge, yet it must be customizable enough to fit most online formats and platforms.

With this knowledge in hand, InQ.Social was born. We’ve developed a service platform that provides a range of web widgets that integrate into any website by simply copying and pasting. It’s easy to setup and within minutes, you can start to collect valuable feedback from website visitors.

Each widget is fully customizable from your InQ.Social dashboard in real time. You can easily create a marking campaign with a set of questions you would like to ask your customers and our widgets will deliver them to users one at the time. Customers can then respond to them at their own pace, and the data is immediately sent to your very own data pot at our InQ.Social servers. We process it and make it available for you to retarget customers with. You can send your customers special offers on products they’ve just expressed an interest in, ask them more in-depth questions, or keep the data for future use in reports and external marketing campaigns.

Currently we provide four types of widgets:

  1. Page Top Bar. It appears on the top of the page as a colored line. The text always appears in one line, and the widget provides up to three response options that are clickable. This widget is ideal for offering flash deals, rating requests and making important announcements.

2. Page Block. This widget integrates anywhere within a web page and has a fully customizable appearance with options to change the dimensions, colors and style. It’s perfect for call-to-action marketing campaigns and raising brand awareness.

3. Text Snippet. A very simple text widget that easily integrates into any article or webpage, it asks the user a question or provides call-to-action functionality that captures the user’s feedback after reading an article or viewing a product.

4. Time Beacon. We offer an invisible widget that sends back a response when a user has spent a set amount of time on the page, scrolled a certain length on the page, or performed a predetermined action. This widget it ideal for online magazines and other websites where it is important to know what content appeals to the user so that you can offer more popular content and draw in a more engaged audience.

All of these widgets are supported by a supercharged, data-driven Customer Intelligence technology that analyzes the data and automates the sales management process for your business.

We welcome you to open an account at InQ.Social and start to explore the benefits of a whole new level of communication with your customers. And right now, it’s completely free. This offer is limited, however, so don’t miss your chance to test InQ.Social and experience powerful, effective, results-driven communication with your customers.




Our smart website widgets help to interact with your customers & capture their sentiments and feedback. Automating your marketing and sales campaigns.