New and first journey in her homeland

[Team Interview]: An interview with You Jin Kim, Marketing and Branding Specialist of 29Labs

Insa: stay connected
4 min readOct 17, 2021

Q: Tell us about yourself.

Hi, I’m You Jin (Kathy). I am a Korean living in Korea for the first time since I was 10 years old. For about 16 years, I have lived abroad in Switzerland and in the U.S.. Thus, currently, I am trying to find a place in this new environment of mine.

I am obsessed with my two dogs, Banu and Nilla (a.k.a. Banilla). Raising Banu and Nilla has made me get a glimpse into a mom’s life. I have learned to care for another being as a protector, caretaker, and a responsible being. From this experience, I got to ponder about my parents’ emotions towards their children.

Presently, I am most thrilled for my new journey here, in Seoul, Korea and hope to see my growth within it!

Q: Describe your characteristics with three adjectives.

Hardworking, Persistent, Patient.

Q: How did you start your career in the Marketing / Branding Industry?

I have always been intrigued by the media’s conscious and subconscious influence on its viewers. Thus, my master’s thesis was on “How Three Iconic Shows (Seinfeld, Friends, and Sex and the City) Taught Its Viewers How to Be a New Yorker”. Thus, stemming from such interest, Marketing naturally felt like the only industry to delve into professionally. Starting with my experience at a PR agency in New York City, I felt passionate about creating and/or enhancing brand’s value. From then on… my story continues to be built upon as a marketing and branding specialist! :)

Q: Why did you decide to join 29Labs?

My reasons were very clear from the beginning. First and foremost was the mission of 29Labs to be collaborative, interactive, and communicative, which were the values I was searching for in a company. Second, the mission of its main product, Insa, to make family communication easy and simple and the vision of ultimately enhancing family relationships via our app, Insa, resonated with my personal experiences and beliefs. With these two resonating values of mine to those of 29Labs, I knew I wanted to be part of the team right away.

Q: How does your experience relate to its main product, Insa?

As I have stated above, I have been living in abroad from my family for about 16 years. Thus, the main product of 29Labs, Insa, as a family communicative app naturally was just of an interest to me.

I went abroad to Switzerland when I was eleven. In 2005. Since then, technology has evolved immensely with speed. I first handedly experienced this technological advancement in communication and thought I could put my insight to the product and help the team grow its product.

Q: What is your daily life like at work?

It starts around 9am with myself preparing for a Daily Sync meeting. Our team has a daily sync to go over announcements and to raise questions about certain tasks if there are any. Once the meeting ends, I work on tasks, chronological to the deadlines, and have meetings in between my tasks. Although it sounds very routine based, as an early startup member, I, along with my coworkers, am always expecting the unknown. Yet, I can confidently state that we are all composed and diligent in dealing with the unknown matters that I am actually quite excited to solve unknown matters when they arise with my colleagues. Thus, my daily life seems to get more exciting with solving these unforeseen variables.

Overall, there hasn’t been a day where I am dreading going to work. A good sign I must say! :)

Q: What is the most enjoyable part of your work?

My biggest joy comes from interacting with my coworkers. From the team’s discussions and feedback, I am learning a new point on a daily basis and just find joy in coworking with my colleagues. Our team truly consists of amazing people with diverse backgrounds.

Q: How do you see yourself evolving with the growth of Insa?

As answered above, the diverse background that my coworkers have, nationality, education, family types are boosters to my knowledge and learning curve. All of us share the passion to better and easen family interaction and communication and with our co-belief (which lies along with my experiences), I hear differing ideas on beliefs and values, which doesn’t just make me grow as a professional being but also as a human being.

