2 min readApr 18, 2024

How to Grow from the Inside Out

1. Assess where you have put most of your focus up

until this point in your life. Has it been on improving on

the inside or on the outside? Here are some of the ways you

can do that: Compare how much you spent in the last twelve

months on clothing, jewelry, accessories, and so on, versus

how much you spent on books, conferences, and that sort of

thing. Compare how much time you spent in the last month

on personal and spiritual growth versus activities related to

appearance. If you exercise regularly, examine what benefits

you are striving for: Do they relate to inner health or outer


If your assessment reveals more of an outward focus than an inward one, then determine how to shift your focus by adding time, money, and attention to the things that will make you grow even if they do not show.

2. Plan to spend time in the coming months to regularly serve others. Putting aside your own agenda and putting others first will help you to develop humility, character, and others- mindedness. Start with your family if you aren't in the habit of doing things for them.

Another idea is to set aside at least an hour every week for volunteering. Schedule it, and then give it a hundred per- cent of your focus while you're serving.

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