DAOstack: A Governance Framework for DAOs

5 min readMay 6, 2018


The first principle of designing the DAOstack was not to build a specific protocol or a specific application, but rather to build the soil, the ground from which a whole ecosystem can grow and thrive.”- Matan Field, DAOstack architect and CEO.

Youtube review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zusmh_luYDo&feature=youtu.be


DAOstak is described as a Wordpress for DAOs, meaning that it does for blockchain what Wordpress has done for the web. But to understand Daostack it is necessary to tackle the meaning of DAOs first.

The term DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization. It is a network of peers whose decisions are made electronically by protocols encoded into the blockchain or by voting of its members through smart contracts. To put it simply it is a system of hard coded rules that define which actions an organization will take.

Daostack is a new possible form of web organization and operating system where tools and infrastructure are being developed in order to become a ”sandbox” for all DAOs to operate from. It is operated by smart contracts on the blockchain empowering decentralized companies, funds and markets to make fast and innovative decisions at scale.

DAOstack provides the governance framework that can scale to meet the demands of the world’s largest organizations, enabling for example thousands of people to join together and collaborate around any goal in a decentralized way within a transparent and trustworthy environment.

The goal of Daostack technology is to empower decentralized companies with massive number of members to make fast and innovative decisions at scale.

DAOstack consists of several layers built on top of the Ethereum blockchain:

· The ArcHives- a public set of shared registries which will allow for interoperability between DAOs and Dapps built on DAOstack

· Arc- is the basic operating system for DAO written in Solidity which allows the creation of governance protocols for DAOs

· Arc.js- the JavaScript frontend interface allowing developers to easily build applications and custom interfaces suitable to their organizations

· The Application Layer- individuals with no engineering and/or developmentexperience will interact with DAOstack mainly by using the Dapps built on Arc and Arc.js.

· Alchemy is an application on DAOstack. According to the post at Daostacks website, with Alchemy, anyone will be able to create a DAO in a few clicks, create an ERC20 cryptotoken if desired, and invite others to participate in a hub of decision-making and talent-sharing. The demo of Alchemy you can watch here:

Use cases of DAOstackare plentiful and according to the DAOstack website posts it is useful any time there is a need to coordinate a large group of people to make decisions collectively, such as situations where collaboration is needed to produce an outcome (a film project of 1,000 artist, an open-source software project of 10,000 developers etc.), in asset management (venture funds, insurance networks, charitable funds, pension funds, real estate investment collectives) and duration(restaurant or hotel guides, article or video feeds, website listings) and many more.


DAOstack runs on GEN and GEN is the native token of the DAOstak platform. GEN will be distributed to contributors of value through the DAOstack framework itself, incentivizing development, promotion and adoption. Hard cap is 30 million USD and the total token supply is 100 million. Tokens to be sold in the ICO: 40 million.

Token price: $0.75/GEN, GEN/ETH is TBD based on the peg rate.

Tokens are allocated as follows: 40% ICO, 40% Token Reserve, 10% Team, 10% Business development.

DAOstak is being followed by 4,600+ people on Twitter, has 25K followers on Telegram and 779 followers on their Medium blog so it is safe to say that they have a strong community and great hype.


The CEO and DAOstack architect is Matan Field. Matan has a PhD in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science. He has specialized in decentralized governance and also launched La’Zooz, a collaborative transportation system and later Back feed, an early version of DAOstack.

Adam​ ​Levi​ is the CTO. Adam is a Blockchain technologist with a PhD in Physics from the Technion University. He is a former radar engineer in the Israel Defence Forces and was a teaching assistant at the Technion University in Israel.

Other team members and advisors are:

DorGarbash (Alchemy lead)

Tibet Sprague (Alchemy technical lead)

Natalia Scherer (Community and biz development)

Danilo Vaz (Community Mgmt& Research)

Oren Sokolowski (Lead developer)

Aaron Brodeur (Alchemy design & UX lead)

Josh​ ​Zemel​ (Communication and marketing)

Roberto​ ​Klein​ (Legal and finance)

Patrick Rawson (Community Mgmt&research)

MatanTsuberi (Developer)

Primavera De Filippi (Alchemy)

Yehonatan Goldman (Operations)

Shira Smilanski (Administration)

Advisors are:

Jordan​ ​Greenhall​ (Advisor)

Yoni Assia (Advisor)

Martin Köppelmann (Advisor).

More detailed information about the team members can be found on the DAOstack website.

Daostack’s strategic partners are diverse and innovative projects and organizations such as: Gnosis, Culture, Sapien, Menlo, Endor, NfX, iAngel.


DAOstack holds impressive prospects for building decentralized organizations based on several indicators:

· They have a strong team of experts that is continually growing along with the project. DAOstack also has a Demo and Github available, their mainnet is launching in the near future.

· The project is already live on the ETH Testnet and could be usable very soon

· There are endless use cases for DAOs development and that could probably be the area in which DAOstack has the biggest potential

· Daostack is backed up with strong partnerships, strong community and many major crypto influencers.

· There are also some concerns related to DAOstack due to the fact that it doesn’t have its own blockchain, instead it will use the Ethereum blockchain for the creation of DAOs. This could affect their performance due to the issues of scalability of the Ethereum blockchain.

The authors of this artcle are: Dario Horvatin and Marin Džakula

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Disclaimer: This is not professional advisory or analysis. You should seek appropriate counsel if considering investments in ICO and/or crypto currencies.

