How Can A Product Quality Analysis Service Boost Up Your Business?

3 min readJan 20, 2017


Every article/item we use in our daily life is constructed, made, or say built somewhere.So, why a term called, “quality” is a hot topic of discussion all over the place. In fact, it is a quiet a reality that quality always outruns quantity. So, there is no such hidden reasons for anybody to be so much concerned about the quality of product.Quality is an important attribute of any product/item.

Particularly, in todays’ competitive environment, market is surged with numerous products (serving the same purpose). Thus, a consumer is the one who has liberty with multiple options to choose from. Henceforth, a business owner need to be keen enough to match the pace to fulfill the requirements of his customer.

So, a question arises that how can one say his/her product is completely optimized. It is quite intriguing to know that every item or article must fulfill and satisfy the international standards that have been set is a basic instinct that, a customer who pays his hard-earned money, he expects surpassing product in return.Inability to fulfill the demand of quality often leads to dissatisfaction among the consumers.

Consequently, quality management system is a vital element of every system that deals with monitoring, certifying, and improving the quality.There are many inspecting companies coming forward in offering services to evaluate the risks and assurance of quality. So, basically these quality inspection services are done for the following stage:

1. Pre-production inspection — It is an initial inspecting process in ensuring that the inputs are appropriate or not. For an instance,like the nature of raw material, good or bad plays a crucial role in forming of the final product. This includes the testing the samples of raw materials in laboratory to certify that it is non-hazardous and eco-friendly as well. Identifying the elements of difficulties before mass production and eliminating it.

2. During production inspection –These product quality inspections keeps a tab on the growth of continuous production, so that the final demand is met within the time limit without any delays.

3. Post production inspection –This includes pre-and post-shipment comprehensive evaluation which involves packing and loading of correct and appropriate products in terms of covering appearance, function, and durability in suitable containers.

Other important kinds of audit services include:

1. Proper social compliance -This kind of assess in a factory safeguards the social ambience and keeps check on ethical issues. These services ensure that a healthy working ambience is maintained.

2. Capability assessments — These services ensure proper appointment of workers that involves assigning the work to persons as per their capability.

3. Sourcing services — The sourcing agent ensures that sources for products and other requirements are supplied at best prices to save money on production making them available both domestically and overseas.

4. Security assessment — Such services make sure they are properly secured against violence etc.

In fact, a manufacturer can also appoint a separate body for inspection which is usually called third party inspection agency.Therefore, an unbiased service of quality inspection always help in restoring faith and loyalty among your customer and hence up scaling your trade.

