Fundamentals of Generative AI

AI Insights
2 min readJun 13, 2024


Generative AI, also known as generative artificial intelligence, refers to a subset of artificial intelligence techniques focused on generating new content that is like the input data it has been trained on. Unlike other types of AI, which are typically focused on specific tasks like classification, regression, or reinforcement learning, generative AI aims to create new data points, images, text, or other types of content that mimic the patterns and characteristics of the training data.

Key Aspects of Generative AI:

1. Creation of New Content: Generative AI models are trained on a dataset and learn to generate new data points that resemble the training examples. For example, a generative model trained on images of cats can generate new images of cats that look realistic.

2. Unsupervised Learning: Generative AI often falls under the category of unsupervised learning, where the model learns to find patterns and structures in data without explicit labels or guidance.

3. Applications: Generative AI has a wide range of applications, including image generation, text generation, music composition, and more. It is used in creative tasks, data augmentation, and even in generating synthetic data for training other AI models.

Differentiating Generative AI from Other AI Types:

1. Generative vs. Discriminative Models: Generative models learn the underlying distribution of the data and generate new samples, while discriminative models learn to distinguish between different classes or categories in the data.

2. Task-Oriented vs. Content Creation: Many AI techniques are task-oriented, focusing on specific tasks like classification, regression, or object detection. Generative AI, on the other hand, is focused on creating new content that resembles the training data without necessarily performing a specific task.

3. Training Objective: In generative AI, the training objective is typically to maximize the likelihood of generating realistic samples from the training data. This is different from other AI types, where the objective may involve minimizing prediction errors or maximizing rewards in reinforcement learning.

4. Applications: While other types of AI may be more commonly associated with specific applications like natural language processing or computer vision, generative AI has a broader range of creative applications, including generating art, music, and realistic synthetic data.

In summary, generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence focused on creating new content that resembles the training data. It differs from other types of AI in its focus on content creation, unsupervised learning approaches, and broad range of creative applications.

Read about fundamentals of AI

