Navigating between Worlds

3 min readAug 12, 2024


Photo by Unsplash

Listen to my voice narration here: Navigating Between Worlds

Navigating between worlds…

…we live into an unknowable future.

Old withered stories breaking us down…

…cannot separate and tear us…

…eternally from our dreams.

Fragments and puzzle pieces…

…shards that refract and distort…


…being revealed.

Wounded by the bite and sting…

…of moral injury and injustices…

…we dis-attach ourselves…

…untethered from bitter narratives…


…of ever-downward spirals…

…that swirl around and around.

Endless depths…

…reliving the kind of deaths…

…that have so little…

…meaningful connection to life.

Enough…no more!

We can no longer bear the weight…

…the full brunt…

…of our own detritus….

…unbearingly weighing us down…

…taking its toll…

…detrimental and taking us down…

…denying and stripping away…

…the essence of livingness.

Life and work…

…living labs…

…always enrolled…

…in the school-of-life…

We never truly graduate.

No diploma, degree or certificate…

…to demonstrate completion.

Each new pearl-of-learning…

…building never-ending strands.

Every failure and even the triumphs…

…a test of our humanity…

…of our humility.

Facing the biggest challenges of our time…

…our best hope…

…tapping the lifelines…

…that draw…

…our collective humanness spirit

…a paradoxical dance…

…a conscious choreography.

Retrospective and forward-facing…

…we expand, extend and lend…

…our capacities as careholders

Guided by a moral compass …

…we teeter and tiptoe…

…the fine lines.

We relinquish illusory control…

…when holding on…

… is likely to yield…

…more existential loss…

…than meaningful gain.

Zooming in…

…zooming out…

…bringing whole beingness

… to the intertwined tasks…

…of living and working.

Playfully labouring…

…observer and participant…


…and learning as we go…

…open to what life is presenting…

…what it might offer…

…what we might offer…

…as heart-centred gifts.

System shifts aren’t propelled from within…

…nor supremely held…

…nor compelled from out there.

Messy and interconnected…

…hurled, reached, touched…

…pushed and pulled…

…teased and tested…

ecologies of wholeness…

…ever-present …

…whether or not…

…we can see, perceive and sense…

…the sinewy tenuous…


Navigating between worlds…

…we live into an unknowable future…



Awakened dreams and dreaming…

…ancient stories of community…

…bit-by-bit being revealed.


…unlocking doors…

…unblocking barriers…

…invisible walls…

…hiding in plain sight…

…tumbling and crumbling.

From the liminal space between …

…a dance of emergence and strategy …

…time and again reminded…

…there’s no carefully measured balance…

…no recipe.

Many gaping holes…

…open questions…

…opening pathways…

…open hearts finding clues.

Cultivating imagination…

…open invitations for creative inspiration…

… and interplay.

Some sparks flare…

…and some dissipate.

Navigating with intuitiveness and intentionality…

…moving in ebbs and flows…


Venturing courageously…


…moving mindfully.

Dancing with monsters…

…finding creative playspace…

…in the chasms and dark soil…

…fertile ground …

…for what might come to life…

…yes…sometimes ugly…

…we dig deeper…

…finding the beauty…

…the sacredness that awaits.

Navigating between worlds…and words…

…many living labs…


…from the blurred edges…

…often hard to see…

…tender shoots rising up through the cracks and brokenness…

…creeping tendrils taking root.

As pioneers, wading hip-deep…

…through deep shift…

…leaving domination-oppression patterns…

…in rear-view…


Bearing and sharing gifts differing.

Living is a partnering…

a plentitude of possibilities.

New stories proliferate…

…finding their place…

…a multitude of stories…

…taking shape…

…and shape-shifting…

…the old and the new…

…merging in unity…

…held lightly and lovingly…

…graced by humility…

… and reciprocity…

…finding new homes…

…of wholeness and coherence.

Photo by Unsplash

Audio Version: Narrated by InspirationStrategist

Accompanying music Spotify: from Somnia by Abbott




Traversing purposeful creative edge. Balancing hard science with messyhumanness. Founder Unstitution.