27 Things To Do While 27 Years Old

Colleen Mitchell
2 min readApr 2, 2020


Photo by Jan Kaluza on Unsplash

In the spirit of some other goal or accomplishment structures I’ve seen, like the 19 for 2019 or 20 in 2020, I’m putting together a “27 while 27” list for myself. This isn’t a set-in-stone list of goals, just a list of things I’d like to do or experience while I’m in my 27th year.

And yes, I’m drawing from previous lists! I’m also allowing overlap with other current goals.

I’m drawing some inspiration from the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast, where I first heard about these ideas and liked some of the examples people came up with.

27 While 27

  1. Impossible Goal
  2. Write & publish an eBook
  3. Coach 100 people on Accountability
  4. Read 52 books
  5. Catch up on the Happier podcast
  6. Buy a new-to-us vehicle (compact or subcompact SUV)
  7. Allow 300 urges (using the Urge Jar from Self Coaching Scholars)
  8. Finish my Toastmasters Pathway through level 4
  9. Go on 27 hikes
  10. Track my food and weight daily, planning what I eat 24 hours in advance
  11. Take a mid-week vacation day just for fun
  12. Create an organizational system in my bathroom
  13. Create an organizational system for my home office
  14. Go to a rage room again (the first time was with my sister for her 29th birthday)
  15. Record 30 videos for my YouTube channel
  16. Purge my closet
  17. Talk to a small business accountant
  18. Take a ballroom dancing class with my husband
  19. Do a 30-day squat challenge
  20. Complete another decluttering project
  21. Finish updating my website so all the page designs match
  22. Draw 10 things in Affinity Designer
  23. Transcribe podcast episodes for This is Type 1 (yay, this is basically done!)
  24. Be a guest on 5 other podcasts (1/5) [Sharique Javaid]
  25. Have professional photos taken
  26. Do a 30-day challenge to walk 10,000 steps every day
  27. Finish 2 online courses

Actions, Not Results?

I’ve heard Gretchen Rubin say to focus on actions, not results, because actions are what drive our results. But I also think it’s important to understand what I want the result to be, and work backward from there to know what actions I should be taking on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to actually achieve that result.

Have you ever tried a goals list like this? I’d love to hear about it.

Originally published at https://www.inspiredforward.com on April 2, 2020.



Colleen Mitchell

Coach, YA fantasy novelist, podcast host, cat mom, Ravenclaw, hiker.