Dear Younger Me, It’s Time for a Truth Bomb

Colleen Mitchell
2 min readJul 27, 2018


Photo by Adam Whitlock on Unsplash

Dear Younger Me,

Listen the f*ck up.

You are strong. You are capable. You are the answer to some problems you don’t even realize yet.

When you let people walk over you, talk over you, condescend you, and take what they want, you lose.

Start winning.

Take back your boundaries, your sense of worth, the validation of your feelings, and the pride that you deserve to feel for the things you’ve accomplished.

If you feel awkward reading this, join the club. It’s awkward to write, but you need these words right now. You need someone who believes in you.

I believe in you, Younger Me.

You have so much potential.

So much to offer the world.

So much to live for, cry for, and love.

And guess what? So does everyone else.

I’m not going to tell you you’re special. I’m not going to tell you you’re a unique snowflake who can do no wrong.

Make mistakes, fail at things, lose friends, get a few bad grades, dislike some teachers, and break up with someone.

Because that’s life!

It’s not going to be perfect, and you can’t make it perfect.

So listen the f*ck up.

You don’t need to worry about life.

You need to live it.

All my love,

Future You



Colleen Mitchell

Coach, YA fantasy novelist, podcast host, cat mom, Ravenclaw, hiker.