Do You Need Help “Slaying” Your Goals?

This Planner Will Help You Out

Colleen Mitchell
7 min readSep 1, 2018
Credit Nadalie Bardo

Do you love setting goals, thinking about how you’ll feel when you finally accomplish them, and then get stuck even starting?

Do you have lists and lists of things you want to do in your life but are at a loss to decide which one to start with?

And do you feel like any progress you’ve made on your goals in the last year have been minuscule, but you know you have the potential to really slam them out of the park instead?

Keep reading for my review of Nadalie Bardo’s Slay Your Goals Planner, the only planner designed for 20% planning and 80% Slaying!

Inspired Forward is an affiliate partner with Nadalie Bardo and the Slay Your Goals products. Nadalie’s not paying me for this review — I just want to share my honest opinion!

First Impressions of the Slay Your Goals Planner

I was so excited to get my hands on this planner, thinking it could help me track my 30-day challenges this year.

It’s so much better than that.

My first impression was that it’s one of those overly hyped planners that every entrepreneur creates.

But Nadalie NAILS it with these features:

  • so much detail
  • meticulously thought-out steps
  • fillable PDF files
  • multiple layouts for calendar planning and to-do lists
  • ways to evaluate how you’ve done at the end
Credit Nadalie Bardo

The general layout:

  • Set Your Intention
  • Choose Your Big Goal
  • Break it Up Into 4 Pieces
  • Plan Your Year
  • Crush Your To-Dos
  • Review Your Goals

Those are the chapter sections, and I have to say that this layout works very well. It flows in an order that just makes sense and is designed to guide you along your goal-planning process in the most painless way possible while still getting you to think about how you’re going to do things.

In fact, I think this planner complements the #GoalSlayer 6-Step Program (online course) kinda perfectly.

My Experience with the Planner

I haven’t used the whole planner yet since it would take me a year to do that. I did read through the whole thing to get an idea of what there is inside and how it all works together.

I’ve gone through the first chapter (Setting Your Intention) and found that to be a super useful tool to figure out what kinds of things I might need to focus on in my life.

There are many areas of life that could affect your intention AND your goals. The planner helps identify which ones need the most attention at this moment in time.

And of course, you can always come back to this chapter in a year to see if anything’s changed.

Pros & Cons


  • Nadalie has thought of the goal-setting and -slaying things that you haven’t.
  • It’s laid out logically with each chapter designed to be the foundation for the next one.
  • Works on the premise of completing your big goal in one year
  • Re-usable (form-fillable, so you’ll always be able to have a blank copy!)
  • Includes a section to review what your goals were vs. what you actually accomplished, which some other planners don’t include


  • Having multiple styles and outlines for calendars/to-do lists can feel overwhelming
  • Not a planner for small, short-term goals
  • More on this — I thought I could use it to help plan out my 30-Day Challenges, which is my goal for this year to do a 30-Day Challenge every month. That goal is very easily broken down into pieces, so while the planner might be a good way to capture that, it’s not the way to track it.
Credit Nadalie Bardo

Is This Planner For You?

I’m definitely in Nadalie’s target audience for this planner.

It’s aimed at people who spend most (or all) of their time making plans that rarely get executed, those who procrastinate on their goals until it makes more sense to just abandon them, and for people who need a kick in the pants to actually start DOING the things they want to do but lack the motivation or direction to start.

People who love the idea of setting and slaying goals but who have no idea where to even begin would benefit the most from the Slay Your Goals Planner.

Quality & Price

This planner is pretty, well-designed (form-fillable!), and offers multiple options for calendars and to-do styles in case the first one just doesn’t work for you.

The Slay Your Goals Planner is $27.

Honestly, with the amount of detail and work that went into this planner, I think this is a great price. A steal, if you will.

Best Way to Use It

You can start using this planner at any point in the year. However, given its design, it makes the most sense to start using it in mid-to-late December for the next calendar year.

Use it for big goals. Things that will take a year (or more) to accomplish, and that you can attempt to compress into a year (stretch goals!).

Because it’s form-fillable, it’s super easy to fill out without even needing to print it and waste money on that precious, expensive printer ink. But if you’re old-fashioned and need that tactile experience, nothing’s stopping you from printing it out!

Potential Pain Points

For those dead-set on printing out the planner it will definitely take up a lot of ink, so be prepared for that.

There might be a learning curve for those who haven’t used form-fillable PDFs before. Using these kinds of PDFs means you need to save it every time you add something to it and make sure you’re not saving over the blank copy or saving over a previously filled copy that you want to keep.

I have a naming convention along the lines of SYG_BLANK, SYG_2018, SYG_FILLED, and so on. Just make sure you name the filled copy something you won’t accidentally overwrite in the future.

And of course, if you don’t see it, you won’t use it. It would be useful to put reminders up (or even printing out just the first page of the planner) to keep it in the forefront of your mind. Even if it’s just sitting in the corner of your vision, it’s a reminder to stay on-task and slay!

I keep the planner open on my laptop so whenever I look at the taskbar I see the PDF reader reminding me that my goals await being slayed!

Alternatives, If You Want To Check Them Out

Planners are all over the place. It feels like every blogger and their friends are coming up with planners to sell. There’s something out there for everyone.

If you’re just looking for a generic planner/journaling experience, look into Bullet Journaling.

Towards the middle of September, I’ll be publishing a post on how I use the Bullet Journal in my weird life, and how you can make it work for you (if you so choose).

Bullet journaling is one of the most flexible forms of journaling and the only limit to what you can do is your imagination. Pinterest is full of great ideas for bullet journaling, and I have pinned several on my Organization Board.

Some other planners I’ve come across include Ruth Soukup’s Living Well Planner, which actually sounds pretty amazing and something I want to try in the future just to see how it could work for me.

Other planners don’t focus specifically on helping you slay your goals. For a planner purely designed to get you accomplishing the things you want to accomplish on a yearly scale, the Slay Your Goals Planner is your best bet.

Final Recommendation

I get the feeling this planner is going to be a staple for me in the years to come. Because I’m a planner at heart but often get stuck on the “doing” part, I know I’ll consult my intentions and goals and small steps from this planner.

At $27, it’s worth it to have a reusable template for years to come.

Buy the Slay Your Goals Planner Here!



Colleen Mitchell

Coach, YA fantasy novelist, podcast host, cat mom, Ravenclaw, hiker.