This is Why Everything Sucks When You Have a Bad Attitude

Colleen Mitchell
3 min readJul 10, 2018


Photo by Marina Khrapova on Unsplash

There’s a lot of evidence that negativity breeds negativity, while positivity breeds positivity.

It’s why we call people Debbie Downers — they’re always upset or down about something. They live in a cesspool of negative thoughts that lead to negative feelings, which result in negative actions.

Thoughts → Feelings → Actions.

Interesting, right?

What then, is attitude?

My definition: our thoughts and mindset about the world. How we look at things determines what we’re going to do about them.

Let me give you an example from my own life.

When I finished college, I told everyone who would listen how glad I was to be DONE. I’d never have to suffer through classes again!

“I’ve done my time.”

Into the real world with me!

“I’ll never have another spring break.”

Or summer breaks, for that matter.

But then I went back to school to get a certificate in project management, which is partly why I landed my current job.

I went back to school against all my exclamations of being done for good.

My attitude when finishing my undergraduate looked like this: learning is something I do and then finish, and then I use what I learn and that’s it.

Heh. I was wrong.

When I went back to school to get my PM cert I had to reconcile how I felt about school with what I needed to do to advance my career.

I needed to change my attitude about education.

And, boy, how it changed!

Now, I’m enrolled in more online courses than I can reasonably keep up with because of all the knowledge there is to learn.

Simply changing my attitude about education made me love it!

(I still don’t want to back to college, though.)

If your life sucks and you’ve got a bad attitude about it, the reason it sucks is BECAUSE of your bad attitude.

When your morning gets rudely interrupted by that jerk who cuts you off, YOU decide your reaction and attitude towards it. Are you going to let that one rude driver ruin your day?

A lot of people live in perpetuity like this. Everything sucks, and so that becomes their reality.

Imagine, though, how illuminating it must be to change your attitude about something and watch how the universe aligns to make everything else better too.

So if everything sucks because you have a bad attitude, it stands to reason that great things happen when your attitude is great.



Colleen Mitchell

Coach, YA fantasy novelist, podcast host, cat mom, Ravenclaw, hiker.