
How I made Myself Known

Are you ready to make yourself a household name?

Melissa Mc
3 min readMar 2, 2023


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

We are all fed up, right? We just want to be noticed. If the talentless Kardashians can do it, so can we!

You don’t need to be an actor or a politician, or even win the lottery. All you have to do is become annoying!

Think about it – when someone does something super annoying, like posting multiple pictures of their pet on social media, or leaving those clingy voicemails that go on and on, we can’t help but know who they are!

So if you want people to start recognising you, become that person that everybody can’t help but recognise (even if it’s for being overly annoying!).

To start becoming a famous annoyance in your life, try some of these tips:

  1. Post pictures and videos of yourself every chance you get – from the newest item you bought to the fun time you had at the beach last week.

2. Ask the same question over and over again until everyone around you just wants to scream out of frustration.

3. Talk really loudly when other people are trying to have conversations nearby.

4. Find ways to turn any topic into one about yourself…we all know there is nothing better than hearing stories…



Melissa Mc

Irish journalist without a niche. I pen diverse pieces, sometimes focusing on historical events, bizarre tales, and unique locations. Gmail: inspirewonderland