Meditation Technique

inspiring corp
3 min readFeb 24, 2024


Internal Harmony and Thought Containment

Without further ado, let’s dive straight into the two central techniques that have become fundamental pillars in my meditative journey: the Body Scan and the complete elimination of thoughts.

  1. Body Scan: Exploring Inner Subtlety The Body Scan technique transcends mere physical observation, becoming a profound journey of self-exploration. As I begin, I allow myself a total immersion in the awareness of each part of my body, without haste. Finger by finger, limb by limb, I move with meticulous attention, assigning each area the command of relaxation. This technique is not just a quest for physical tranquility but an exploration of the mind and soul, revealing layers of inner connection.
  2. Complete Elimination of Thoughts: Taming the Restless Mind The second technique, challenging at the outset, is the complete elimination of thoughts. Imagine the mind as a starry sky, with each thought being a twinkling star. Initially, this sky may seem chaotic, but through practice, the goal is to achieve a serene mental space, free from any clouds of thought. The discipline lies in containing thoughts, keeping them within my own mental square. Whether sitting, lying down, or even walking, this practice teaches the power of focus and mind containment.

Both techniques are self-adapted, molded to align with my personal meditation journey. For a broader understanding of the benefits, history, and priorities, you can explore more details here.

Now, I invite you to experience these techniques, incorporating the subtlety of the Body Scan and the discipline of thought elimination into your own meditative practice. May these approaches guide you to a deeper state of serenity and self-connection.

You can read more about the benefits in my previous post: Unlocking Tranquility

Personal Body Scan Technique: When practicing the Body Scan, I immerse myself in a unique experience of self-perception, confirming my existence through the internal energy circuit. Just as I can feel my index finger by merely thinking about it, without the need for movement to validate its presence, I initiate my body scanning. The approach is methodical and deliberate, a thorough exploration of every inch of my limbs, unhurried, emphasizing the importance of this gentle pace.

I commence the process with deep focus and 360-degree attention, dedicating precious moments to each part of my body. I delegate the order of relaxation to each specific area, gently guiding myself through this inner journey. It is a practice of acceptance and, at times, even belief in the release of tensions in each region.

I remain conscious of my diaphragmatic breathing, visualizing the vital exchange of energy with every inhalation and exhalation. I feel the air surging and the energetic sensation flowing through my body, radiating to the pelvis, thighs, lower limbs, and even the toes.

With closed eyes, I focus on the stability of the pupil, acknowledging the significance of this state. I believe that the immobility of the pupil triggers deactivation of certain areas of the brain, contributing to a state of deep tranquility.

This technique has been a valuable source of self-awareness and relaxation for me, providing a deeper connection with my body and mind. Experience this detailed journey within yourself and allow yourself to explore the rich territories of your inner existence.

Understanding and Insight: I comprehend, and that is a very insightful observation. The Body Scan, by focusing attention on specific areas of the body, provides a tangible anchor for the mind. This practice keeps the mind active but directed towards immediate sensory experience, creating a form of controlled concentration.

By engaging in each detail, finger by finger, limb by limb, the mind shifts away from scattered thoughts, focusing on the task of scanning and relaxing each part of the body. This process not only calms the physical body but also provides a constructive occupation for the mind, preventing it from wandering into unnecessary thoughts.

This concrete and centered approach of the Body Scan can be particularly effective for those at the beginning of their meditation journey, as it offers a solid framework for cultivating mindfulness. By bringing the mind to the present moment through attention to physical details, the Body Scan becomes a valuable tool for achieving tranquility and mental focus.

