Master the Advanced Topics of Python Functions

Instaily Academy
6 min readSep 8, 2023


Advance Python Function Example Code

In the previous blog post, we learned about the basics of Python functions and how to use them in our code. We also learned about the difference between built-in functions and user-defined functions, and how to define and call functions with different types of parameters and arguments. If you haven’t read the first blog post yet, you can find it here.

Master the Built-In Functions in Python that Make Your Code Awesome

Now, in this blog post, we will continue our journey of learning Python functions and explore some more advanced topics, such as return values, scope, and recursion. We will also provide examples and exercises for each topic to help you practice and master your skills.

Understanding Return Values in Functions

In Python, a return value is the output or result that a function provides after executing its code. It’s the way a function communicates with the code that called it, allowing data to be passed back for further use or processing. Return values are a fundamental concept in functions, enabling you to capture and utilize the results of a function’s work.

How Return Values are Used in Functions

Return values serve several crucial purposes in Python functions:

1. Passing Data: Functions can generate and return data that can be used by the calling code. This enables the function to perform computations or operations and provide the result back to the caller.

2. Status Indication: Functions can return values to indicate success or failure. For example, a function might return True for success and False for failure.

3. Chaining Operations: Return values can be used in expressions or statements to create more complex operations. You can assign return values to variables, use them in calculations, or pass them as arguments to other functions.

Examples of Using the Return Statement

Here are examples illustrating how to use the return statement in Python functions:

1. Returning a Single Value:

def add_numbers(a, b):
result = a + b
return result
sum_result = add_numbers(3, 5) # Function returns 8

In this example, the add_numbers function calculates the sum of two numbers and returns the result.

2. Assigning and Using the Return Value:

def square(x):
return x 2
num = 4
square_result = square(num) # Function returns 16
result_plus_one = square_result + 1 # Using the return value in an expression

Here, the return value from the square function is assigned to square_result and then used in another expression to add 1.

Returning Multiple Values:

Python allows you to return multiple values from a function using tuples, lists, or other data structures. This is particularly useful when you need to return multiple pieces of data together.

3. Returning Multiple Values Using a Tuple:

def divide_and_remainder(a, b):
quotient = a // b
remainder = a % b
return quotient, remainder
result = divide_and_remainder(10, 3) # Function returns (3, 1)

In this case, the divide_and_remainder function returns both the quotient and remainder as a tuple.

Try It Yourself:

To reinforce your understanding, create and call a function that returns one or more values and use them in another expression or statement. Experiment with different types of return values and see how they can enhance the functionality of your Python programs. This hands-on practice will help solidify your grasp of return values in functions.

Understanding Scope in Python Functions

In Python, scope defines the visibility and accessibility of variables within your code. It determines where a variable can be accessed or modified. Understanding scope is crucial when working with functions because it helps you manage variables effectively and avoid naming conflicts.

How Scope Affects Variables in Functions

In Python, variables can have two main scopes:

1. Local Scope: Variables defined inside a function are considered local and can only be accessed within that function. They are not visible outside of the function.

2. Global Scope: Variables defined outside of any function have a global scope and can be accessed from anywhere in your code, including within functions.

Examples of Local and Global Variables in Functions

1. Local Variables:

def my_function():
x = 10 # This variable x has a local scope
# print(x) # This would raise an error because x is not defined in the global scope

In this example, x is a local variable inside the my_function. It can be accessed and modified only within the function.

2. Global Variables:

y = 20 # This variable y has a global scope
def another_function():
print(y) # This function can access the global variable y

Here, y is a global variable, defined outside of any function. It can be accessed from within another_function because it has global scope.

Global Scope vs. Local Scope:

Global and local scopes are related to both the function definition and the function call:

  • Variables defined outside of all functions have global scope.
  • Variables defined inside a function have local scope.
  • Variables with local scope are only accessible within the function where they are defined.
  • Variables with global scope are accessible from any part of your code, including within functions.

Using the Global Keyword to Modify a Global Variable:

You can modify a global variable from within a function using the global keyword:

z = 30 # This variable z has global scope
def modify_global_variable():
global z # Declare z as a global variable
z += 5
print(z) # This will print 35 because the global variable z was modified inside the function

In this example, global z inside the modify_global_variable function indicates that we are modifying the global variable z.

Try It Yourself:

To practice using local and global variables in functions, create and call a function that demonstrates the difference between local and global scope. Also, try modifying a global variable from within a function using the global keyword. This hands-on exercise will help you grasp the concept of scope effectively. Happy coding!

Exploring Recursion in Python

Recursion is a powerful programming technique where a function calls itself to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller, similar subproblems. It is an elegant way to handle tasks that exhibit repetitive or iterative patterns, allowing you to write concise and efficient code. In this section, we’ll dive into the world of recursion, understanding what it is, exploring its applications, and learning how to create and use recursive functions in Python.

What is Recursion and its Purpose

Recursion is a programming concept where a function calls itself to solve a problem. This technique is particularly useful when a problem can be divided into smaller, identical subproblems, and each subproblem contributes to solving the larger problem. Recursion simplifies code, making it more intuitive and easier to maintain.

Applications of Recursion

Recursion can be used to solve a variety of problems, including:

1. Factorial Calculation: Calculating the factorial of a number, where `n! = n × (n-1) × (n-2) × … × 1`.

2. Fibonacci Sequence: Generating the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (e.g., 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …).

3. Binary Search: Searching for an element in a sorted list efficiently by repeatedly dividing the list in half.

4. Tree Traversal: Traversing and processing tree-like data structures, such as binary trees or directories.

Creating Recursive Functions in Python

To create a recursive function in Python, you need to define two essential components:

1. Base Case: A condition that determines when the recursion should stop. It provides a result for the simplest case of the problem.

2. Recursive Case: A set of instructions that breaks down the problem into smaller, similar subproblems and calls the function itself to solve them.

Example: Calculating Factorial Using Recursion

def factorial(n):
# Base case: If n is 0 or 1, return 1
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return 1
# Recursive case: Calculate factorial of (n-1) and multiply by n
return n * factorial(n - 1)

Calling Recursive Functions in Python

To call a recursive function, you simply invoke it with the desired input:

result = factorial(5) # Calculates 5!

Try It Yourself:

As you explore recursion further, we encourage you to create and call a recursive function that solves a problem of your choice. You can start with a classic problem like calculating the Fibonacci sequence or explore other tasks that can be elegantly solved using recursion. This hands-on practice will deepen your understanding and proficiency in using recursion as a programming tool.


In this blog post, we learned about some more advanced topics of Python functions, such as return values, scope, and recursion. We also practiced our skills by creating and calling various functions that perform different tasks. We hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new.

If you want to learn more about Python functions or other Python topics, you can join our online or offline python course. If you have any feedback or questions about this blog post, feel free to leave a comment. We would love to hear from you.



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