6 Things Everyone Should Know About Dermaplaning

Institut’ DERMed®
3 min readFeb 8, 2023

The growing popularity and increasing buzz about dermaplaning have naturally resulted in an uptick in curiosity and interest. That interest is certainly warranted, as many fans of the treatment swear by its benefits. If you’re among those who are curious about dermaplaning or are considering trying it, there are a few basics worth knowing. For example, why your treatment should be from a professional esthetician who’s completed well-regarded dermaplaning classes. The benefits could be considerable.

What Dermaplaning Is

Basically, dermaplaning is an exfoliating skin treatment that is also sometimes called blading or microplaning. It involves the use of an exfoliating blade to skim away the top layers of dead skin cells and hair, primarily vellus hair (peach fuzz). This exfoliating procedure is acclaimed by its fans for instantly revealing a luminous, radiant-looking complexion.

What Dermaplaning Does for You

The benefits that a professional esthetician equipped with a quality dermaplaning kit can provide their clients are impressive and numerous. Of course, two of the most popular and obvious benefits are the removal of hair and dull, dead skin to clarify and brighten the look of the complexion. Dermaplaning enthusiasts also seek the procedure for reducing the appearance of acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles. The result is often smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin.

Who Dermaplaning Can Benefit

One of the reasons for dermaplaning’s popularity is how universal it is. Dermaplaning is an option for adults of virtually any age and skin type. It is popular with and effective for both men and women. Dermaplaning is also an ideal option for anyone who is sensitive to chemical or laser skin treatments.

Should Dermaplaning Be Done at Home?

While dermaplaning is safe and has few to no side effects, it should always be performed by an esthetician trained to use a professional dermaplaning tool kit. It’s a quick, simple, and straightforward procedure, but it does involve the use of a sharp blade.

Is Dermaplaning Compatible with Other Skincare Treatments?

In addition to the advantages dermaplaning provides on its own, it is also an invaluable option for use in conjunction with other facial treatments and procedures. Before an exfoliation as thorough as dermaplaning, the top layer of dead skin cells can end up blocking the absorption of moisturizers and other beneficial skincare products. Basically, dermaplaning can make the skin of your face more receptive to other skincare products and treatments.

What Else You Should Know About Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is both quick and safe. The average treatment lasts around half an hour and involves no chemical or light treatment. Because it’s the top layer of dead skin being removed, there is virtually never any healing time or downtime necessary after a dermaplaning session. People with sensitive skin may experience minor, short-term irritation. It is also best to avoid other facial exfoliation leading up to your dermaplaning procedure.

About Institut’ DERMed®

Institut’ DERMed® is a clinical skincare brand founded by master aesthetician Lyn Ross to empower others who want to look and feel good in their skin. Ross’ clinical-grade products feature a wide array of concentrated cosmeceuticals and the finest natural ingredients. She has always believed that effective ingredients, such as glycolic acid, are game-changers in skincare. Ross and Institut’ DERMed are well-respected in the professional skincare industry. The company’s premiere MedSpa in Atlanta, Georgia, is 33 years running and continues to win numerous awards for its spa treatments and services. Institut’ DERMed’s consumer retail and professional-only products, including a professional dermaplaning tool kit, are all available on their website. From Enhancing Glycolic Body Wash to Vital C Serum to Soothing Moisturizer, everyone can strive for the “DERMed glow.”

Experience the leading edge of the skincare industry at https://www.idermed.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/40C6YyF

