5 Differences Between IS 15652, ASTM D178, And IEC 61111 Electric Shock Proof Rubber Mat

Insulating Mats
6 min readJun 5, 2024


Image By Duratuf Products

Which standard should you follow while buying an electric shock proof rubber mat?

What are the different standards for insulating mats? How do they stand apart from each other?

Check this blog to know the answers to these questions. This blog gives you details on the different insulating mat standards. They explain the differences between the IS 15652, ASTM D178, and IEC 61111. They are safety mat standards.

The “IS” in IS 15652 stands for “Indian Standards”. The Bureau of Indian Standards has set a standard for electrical rubber mats. This standard is the IS 15652 standard. Places following the Indian Standard follow the IS 15652 standard. India follows this standard.

The “ASTM” in ASTM D178 stands for “American Society for Testing and Materials”. The American Society for Testing and Materials has set an insulating mats standard. This standard is the ASTM D178 standard. Places following the American standard follow the ASTM D178 standard. The United States uses this standard.

The “IEC” in IEC 61111 stands for “International Electrotechnical Commission”. The International Electrotechnical Commission has also set a standard for electrical safety mats. This standard is the IEC 61111 standard. Areas following the European standard follow the IEC 61111 standard. People of Europe and other regions follow this standard.

5 key differences between IS 15652, ASTM D178, and IEC 61111!

#1 Physical Properties

Insulating mats compliant with the IS 15652 standard have high tensile strength. But it is not as high as that of IEC 61111 electrical mats. The electrical safety rubber mat for electrical panel will break down with exposure to high stress and elongation.

The electrical safety mats of the ASTM D178 standard have medium tensile strength. They can endure stress to a certain extent. After this, they will degrade.

IEC 61111-compliant insulated rubber mat has higher tensile strength. It has high elongation at break. These insulating mats can resist stress. They do not wear or tear under such.

#2 Classes

The IS 15652 standard electrical mats have three classes. They have class A, class B, and class C. Each class has different dielectric strengths. People use separate classes for different working voltage applications. People use class 0 for 3.3 kV working voltage. They use class B for 11 kV working voltage. And they use class C for working voltage up to 33 kV.

The ASTM D178 has types. They have two types- type 1 and type 2. These types have different resistance and chemical properties. Type 1 does not have oil, ozone, and flame resistance. A type 1 rubber mat for the electrical switch room is water-resistant. But type 2 has oil, ozone, and flame resistance.

The IEC 61111 standard has different classes. These classes are class 0, class 1, class 2, class 3, and class 4. Each class has a separate voltage-withstanding capacity.

What is an 11 kV rubber mat?

The IS 15652 standard has an electrical insulation mat for 11 kV. This insulated rubber mat can withstand voltages up to 11 kV. If you put this electrical safety rubber mat for electrical panel in applications higher than 11 kV, it will be inefficient. The electrical safety matting will degrade. It will break down.

#3 Recommended thickness

For IS 15652 standard electrical insulating mats:

The electrical mats supplier asks to use at least 2 mm of thickness, approximately. They ask people to use approximately 3 mm thick mats at most.

For ASTM D178 safety mats:

The electrical mats supplier asks to use at least 2 mm thick safety mats approximately. They ask people to use approximately 4 mm thick mats at most.

For IEC 61111 electrical rubber mats:

The electrical mats supplier asks to use at least 3.2 mm thick mats approximately. They suggest people use approximately 12.7 mm of insulated mats at most.

#4 Chemical properties

The IS 15652 standard-compliant insulated rubber mat has low to medium acid resistance. They can damage with their exposure to strong bases and acids.

Insulation mats of ASTM standard have low resistance against acids. They have low resistance against strong acids.

The IEC 61111 complaint electrical safety matting has high acid resistance. Strong acids do not have harmful effects on the matting.

#5 Other properties

The IS 15652 standard safety mats have moisture resistance. These insulating mats also have resistance against oils and greases. They can resist water. They have flame resistance. They resist the ignition of fire.

Insulated rubber mats of the ASTM D178 standard have medium resistance against water. They cannot give 100% resistance against water. Only type 2 ASTM D178 mats have resistance against oil. Type 1 does not have fire resistance. But type 2 has fire-resisting properties.

The IEC 61111-compliant electrical mats have high water resistance. They also do not get affected by oil exposure. These safety mats have resistance against fire.

What is a rubber mat for electrical work?

An electrical rubber mat has a rubber composition. Rubber has high insulation properties. Electrical works involve exposure to high voltages. People working with high voltages have a risks of electrical accidents.

Thus they need rubber mat electrical work solutions. They need them to protect themselves from electrical hazards. Rubber mat for electrical switch room help in shock prevention.

Will a rubber mat prevent electric shock?

Electric shock proof rubber mat prevents electric shock. Electric shock is the passing of a high current through one’s body. This happens when the current flows from the source to the ground.

Current flow through the body causes injuries. Sometimes electric shock also causes death. Electric shock proof rubber mat prevents the flow of current. It is non-conductive. It does not let the current flow through the body.

Why do electricians use rubber mats?

Electricians use electrical insulating mats. They work with high-voltage electrical equipment. They often use broken equipment. This operation can cause arc flash. Short circuits and current leakage produce high current discharge.

Human bodies cannot sustain such high currents. They get injuries or even die. Thus, electricians install an electric shock proof rubber mat. It ensures their electrical safety.

How do you test an electrical rubber mat?

Manufacturers conduct several tests before supplying an electrical mat. Some of them are:

  1. Visual testing- You can check your insulating mat. Check if your mat has any damage or wear.
  2. You can perform mechanical testing. It checks the insulation mat’s physical properties. You can check the tensile strength. You can also check the elongation at the break by this test. This test also helps you check its resistivity properties.
  3. Electrical testing- You can conduct electrical tests. It checks the insulating properties of the mat.
  4. Dielectric testing- It helps you determine the electrical strength of the mat. It helps you know the most voltage an insulating mat can withstand. This is to the extent up to which it does not break down.
  5. Periodic testing- You can conduct periodic testing to check the electrical mat’s performance. You can check if it is performing well over time.

So, Always check if your insulating mat is compliant with your standard. You should also check if the mat is ideal for your working voltage. This will optimize your rubber mat electrical work solutions.

Stay safe with your standard compliant electric shock proof rubber mat!



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