What Is Property Insurance, And Is It Compulsory?

Insurance Advisernet
2 min readAug 4, 2022


Have you ever considered the risks involved in buying or selling a property? You’ll be astonished to know that, even though it has been around for hundreds of years and has numerous legal definitions, property insurance still falls under much debate; this is especially evident regarding compulsory vs voluntary coverage.

Importance Of Insurance

When it comes to your property, you can never be too careful. Apart from the obvious — such as ensuring that the property is secure and free of hazards — there are several other things you need to keep in mind, such as property insurance. The following explains what this is and whether or not it’s compulsory in Australia.

What Is Property Insurance?

Property insurance refers to insurance cover for your possessions, such as your home or business. It covers you if anything happens to them (for example, if they’re damaged by fire) and typically costs around 1% of the property’s value. In most cases, it’s compulsory in Australia to have some property insurance — even if you only own your home passively. That said, there are many exemptions where liability insurance may not be required (for example, if you’re using the property for business purposes).

Is Property Insurance Compulsory In Australia?

Yes, property insurance is compulsory in Australia. This means that regardless of having an exemption (such as being a landlord), you must buy coverage for your possessions. What type of coverage you need will depend on the value.

Property Insurance in Australia

Property insurance is a type of insurance that helps protect homeowners from potential financial losses should their homes be damaged or destroyed by an event such as a fire or storm. In most cases, property insurance is compulsory in Australia and is mandatory for all new property purchases made after 1 July 2009.

Property insurance can play a key role in protecting your finances if you have property worth exposure. It can cover costs such as property damage, loss of income due to interruption of occupation, and legal fees associated with claims. In some cases, the policy may also provide financial support if you cannot live in your home while it’s being repaired or renovated.

If you’re considering buying a home in Australia, it is crucial to compare rates and ensure that your chosen policy fully covers you. If something were to happen and you could not claim on your policy, having proper coverage can help you get through a problematic situation.

In Australia, compulsory third-party liability insurance is usually required by banks lending money for mortgages. However, in case of any further ambiguities, you may contact the experts at All Around Insurance, the best insurance broker in Australia.



Insurance Advisernet

For more than 25 years, Insurance Advisernet has been supporting Australian businesses. Website: insuranceadviser.net