Insync 1.1 with nested selective sync is live

2 min readNov 20, 2014


When the beta phase of Insync was released a little over four years ago, the driving idea behind it was to create a “Dropbox for Google Docs”. Google Drive wasn’t around at the time, but we envisioned a desktop client that had advanced features inclusive of multiple account and network/external drive support, options to allow selective sync and desktop notifications—with cross-platform service covering Windows, Mac and Linux.

It’s been a year and a half and several versions since we moved out of beta with 1.0 in the early part of 2013, and now the much-awaited Insync 1.1 is finally available. With a nested selective sync feature that allows users to selectively sync sub-folders and files, this version also includes fixes covering downloading issues for files affected by Google Drive issues, the handling of a symlinked file in a network drive for Windows platform and Yosemite fixes for Mac.

Nested Selective Sync: An Overview

Nested selective sync has been one of the requested features that users have been looking forward to with Insync. Partial sync for files and sub-folders within a user’s Drive allows better file management and conservation of machine space—so you can see the items you need, only when you need them.

Take a quick look at how nested selective sync is in action.

The existing settings interface has been adjusted to make it so that users can tell with a single glance which folders or files the feature has been applied to. Fully synced locations show green, while partially synced folders reflect yellow, and has been applied to both the My Drive and Shared with me screens with options to un/check all items for quick management.

We’re looking forward to hearing about your experience, so feel free to hit up our support forums and let us know how well this new version works for you.




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