Hospital Lab Inventory Tracking Software

3 min readApr 24, 2022


A hospital lab inventory is critical to its overall efficiency, and keeping track of medical supplies is essential. With RFID systems, managers can track lab inventory with ease and eliminate manual processes like checking expiration dates and rotating stock between busier interventional rooms. Instead of wasting time and money, managers can focus on reducing waste and optimizing revenue by tracking every item. To ensure the highest level of efficiency, hospital managers can utilize vendor indigent patient programs to reduce expenses.

To begin the inventory process, a hospital must first determine how much inventory is currently on hand. Whether you prefer the old-fashioned way with a pen and paper, or a streamlined software solution, the first step is to take stock. This is the first inventory of the lab and will determine what is needed and what is not. When establishing your inventory, ask suppliers for the last three to six months’ orders to get a better idea of what’s in stock.

Atellica IN is a cloud-based system that uses wireless radio frequency identification to track inventory consumption across multiple laboratories. Atellica IN supports Siemens Healthineers and third-party products. It helps hospitals minimize holding costs of excess supplies and eliminates waste caused by expiration. It also reduces human error and increases employee satisfaction by reducing the time spent on manual inventory. It saves the hospital approximately 35% of the time. Atellica IN also allows labs to track the use of supplies, including unused items.

After creating a system, it is important to create an inventory audit schedule that goes beyond replenishment counts. An inventory audit schedule will help ensure the process is running as smoothly as possible. The schedule should include a list of the key inventory components and be performed quarterly, bi-annually, or monthly. It’s important to keep a regular inventory audit schedule and stick to it. Once your inventory audits are complete, you can begin reducing waste and focusing on maximizing productivity.

Another advantage of using a system for hospital lab inventory is that it has flexible reporting features that allow administrators and managers to keep a close tab on stocks. The system’s intuitive interface allows users to monitor stock levels and leverage information to make critical decisions. Using a web-based client/server architecture, Lab Inventory is accessible from anywhere, regardless of device type. It also supports most operating systems. If you’re planning to purchase a system for your laboratory, you’ll be glad to know about the features and advantages of using Lab Inventory.

Another major benefit of having an effective hospital lab inventory is that it is directly tied to the revenue cycle. A cath lab inventory must track purchases and charges, and constantly monitor par levels. This is especially important because physician preference items may go unused during a vacation. Revenue cycle oversight also ensures that inventory is always at optimum levels and there are no risks of expired products. The revenue cycle is an important part of running a hospital, so having a thorough system in place is a vital aspect.




INSYSIV offers a new process for hospital lab inventory to achieve unprecedented discounts in a class of products known as Physician Preference Items (PPI).