Resize etcd volumes on kops

Hidetake Iwata
2 min readJun 5, 2018


kops does not support changing size or type of etcd volumes after cluster creation. It is inconvenient when you created too large volumes.

If your etcd volumes are gp2 or io1 type, you can extend the volumes easily in the AWS management console.

You can shrink the volumes by the following steps:

  1. Stop the Kubernetes master services.
  2. Create the new volumes.
  3. Copy data from old to new.
  4. Add tags to the new volumes.

Steps to shrink volumes

It assumes your cluster has single master. If your cluster has multiple masters, shrink to single master in advance.

(1) Stop Kubernetes master

Connect to the master instance:

ssh -i your_ssh_key admin@x.x.x.x

Stop the Kubernetes services:

sudo systemctl stop docker-healthcheck.timer
sudo systemctl stop docker
sudo systemctl stop kubelet
sudo systemctl stop protokube
# Make sure no Kubernetes related process left
ps axfu

(2) Create new volumes

Create a new volumes:

  • A volume with Name tag a.etcd-main.cluster.domain
  • A volume with Name tag a.etcd-events.cluster.domain

Attach the new volumes to the master instance. Then format and mount the new volumes:

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdf
sudo mkdir /mnt/etcd-main
sudo mount /dev/xvdf /mnt/etcd-main
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdg
sudo mkdir /mnt/etcd-events
sudo mount /dev/xvdg /mnt/etcd-events

Now the master instance has the following volumes:

  1. Old volume a.etcd-main.cluster.domain at /mnt/master-vol-xxx
  2. Old volume a.etcd-events.cluster.domain at /mnt/master-vol-yyy
  3. New volume a.etcd-main.cluster.domain at /mnt/etcd-main
  4. New volume a.etcd-events.cluster.domain at /mnt/etcd-events

You can see them by mount command:

/dev/xvdu on /mnt/master-vol-xxx type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/xvdv on /mnt/master-vol-yyy type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/xvdf on /mnt/etcd-main type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
/dev/xvdg on /mnt/etcd-events type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)

(3) Copy from old to new

Copy data from old to new:

cd /mnt/master-vol-xxx
sudo cp -av var/ /mnt/etcd-main
cd /mnt/master-vol-yyy
sudo cp -av var/ /mnt/etcd-events

Unmount the volumes and shutdown:

sudo umount /mnt/etcd-main
sudo umount /mnt/etcd-events

(4) Add tags to new volumes

Add the following tags to the new main volume:

  • KubernetesCluster = (your cluster name)
  • = a/a (availability zone)
  • = 1
  • = owned

Add the following tags to the new events volume:

  • KubernetesCluster = (your cluster name)
  • = a/a (availability zone)
  • = 1
  • = owned

Remove same tags from the old volumes. Then protokube can find the new volumes at boot.

Finally terminate the master instance:

sudo poweroff

Wait a moment and then the auto scaling group will spawn a new instance.


Even after cluster creation, you can extend or shrink etcd volumes.

