Take Part In An Internship Program For Job Readiness

Intan Vidya Prahesti
3 min readOct 20, 2022


(Internship Activities at Bank Syariah Indonesia Singosari Branch Office)

The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Education has created a program called MBKM. One of the MBKM programs is a certified internship. This government-organized certified internship lasts for five months. Starting from July to December 2022. State University of Malang is one of the universities chosen to participate in the MBKM program. The certified internship program is a government program, so all activities in it will be directly supervised by the Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud Ristek Dikti).

One of the companies collaborating with the State University of Malang, especially on the PADP study program, is Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). Therefore, Dr. Madziatul Churiyah, S.Pd., M.M. as the head of the PADP study program directly appointed several students to be placed in five branches of Bank BSI. In total there are 8 students who are placed in each branch office.

The author had the opportunity to carry out an internship at the Singosari branch of Bank BSI, which is located at Jalan Raya Singosari №39, Singosari District, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The head of the Singosari Bank Syariah Indonesia branch, Mr. Alkaf Zen, welcomed and accepted the writer’s presence as an intern in his office. Internship activities follow office operating hours, which are from 07.30–17.00 WIB. The writer’s internship was mentored by Mrs. Eva Zahrotul Wardah as the Branch Office Service Manager (BOSM).

Picture 1.1 Author (right) with Branch Office and Service Manager of Bank Syariah Indonesia Singosari Branch Office

At Bank Syariah Indonesia there are several divisions or departments. However, at the Bank Syariah Indonesia Singosari branch office, there are two departments, namely the operational department and the business department. The operational department consists of Customer Service (CS), Teller, Operations Staff, and BOSM. While the business department consists of micro staff and consumer staff.

The author gets a placement in the operational section. The author’s daily activity is to serve customers during service hours, be it customers who want to open an account, deposit funds, activate mobile banking, etc. The author is also tasked with assisting operational staff who are in need of assistance such as scanning data, inputting customer data into the system, photocopying, and so on. The author welcomes customers who come to the office and ask about their needs. Then the customer will be directed to fill out the webform according to their needs. Customers who want to deposit funds, withdraw funds, transfer funds will be directed to the teller. Meanwhile, customers who wish to open accounts, deposits, and other customer services will be directed to Customer Service. The author is tasked with helping customers fill out the webform via the available tablet. After that, the authors photocopy the necessary data such as ID cards, ATMs, and savings books. After that the author fills in the missing data on the application form. Sometimes the author also gets additional assignments from other operational staff because the author is the only intern student at the BSI Malang Singosari branch office.

At first the writer was hesitant because he had to adapt in a new place with senior people. Feeling inadequate to enter the world of work. However, with a warm welcome and guidance from people around, slowly the author tries to convince himself and undergo this certified internship program to completion. Hopefully, by joining this certified internship program, the author will have the mentality to be ready when he wants to enter the real world of work.

