OIC/Integration/5 → REST Connection with multiple methods/verbs in Oracle Integration Cloud

4 min readAug 27, 2023


This is a post on Oracle Integration Cloud highlighting the use of REST adapter with multiple methods/verbs in the flow.

Integration Gen 2

(1) Flow: [a] REST (Rest trigger) with multiple verb → [b] Map Response to Reply → [c] Reply

(2) Flow Description: Here we are creating an App Driven Orchestration flow which exposes as a REST service with multiple methods/verbs exposed and when it is invoked, it returns a static response to the caller of the flow.

(3) Steps:

Go to OIC console → Integrations → Create an App Driven Integration with your project name.

It is important to check the boolean check box.

We are going to configure for GET method first.

For GET method using a Query Parameter through which we will pass Username during testing.

"greeting":"Hello !!"

Now as set up for GET method has been done with response mapping, we need to add another method POST. Fo that we need to again navigate to the Receive REST activity and edit it to accomodate POST method.

Navigate to the last page and check the “Add another option” boolean checkbox to start setting up for POST. The set up will be similar to what we did for GET method. Additionally, we have to pass Request for POST method. And for that we will use static request JSON.

"greeting" : "Hello !!"

For POST method we are appending “Hello !!” before the user name and mapping to reply.

Point to note here is we have to add Business Identifiers for Tracking separately for GET and POST method and the fields are different.

Testing the GET method: passing query parameter

Testing the POST method:





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