How to Choose a Good Whistleblower Law Firm

Integritymatterss In
2 min readMar 16, 2022


In life, our actions and choices determine our fate. Therefore, it is always considered prudent to make wise choices after taking into consideration their pros and cons. However, when the time comes to choose a law firm to represent you in a whistleblower case, your decision could determine the outcome of your case. For starters, the internet is the best place to start your selection process. However, you should be warned that some websites provide misleading information about a particular law firm.

Here are some issues to consider when choosing a law firm to a qui tam (whistleblower) lawsuit:

Ensure that the concerned law firm has enough experience in handling qui tam cases. On the internet, Diversity and Inclusion some legal firms may claim to have won such cases but in fact, they fail to mention if the cases they won did not happen to be Federal Claim Act (qui tam) cases. Therefore, you should probe and ask the concerned law firm for specific cases that the firm enjoyed success with.

Make it a point to enquire if the legal firm has experienced lawyers to represent whistleblowers on qui tam lawsuits. Do not just hire just any attorney to deal with cases that require considerable knowledge expertise and knowledge.

The False Claim Act is a very complicated law and requires experienced attorneys. Therefore, it is important to note that certain websites may be designed in such a way that they may Whistleblower Platform paint a false picture of its specializing in whistleblower cases, when in fact their expertise in this area of law may be limited.

Sometimes, certain referral companies have websites that make them seem that they are legal firms that handle whistleblower cases, when in fact they do not. Most referral companies take a certain case and then sell them to legal firms for a huge sum of money. Ensure that you search for attorneys that can actually handle your qui tam lawsuit. If there are hardly any attorneys that handle such cases, you can be assured that you have just visited the website of a referral company instead of an actual law firm.

The collection of federal taxes, responsibility of Internal Revenue Service (IRS), is chiefly dependent on voluntary reporting in the US. This implies that individuals and businesses file Anti-sexual harassment tax documentation according to their tax liability on their own. In most cases, this voluntary reporting is sufficient to collect the taxes.

However, there are individuals and businesses that try to evade taxes or utilize fraudulent means to lower their tax liability. To detect these entities the IRS has come up with the whistleblower program. It is the cases involving huge sums of money that the IRS takes more interest in investigating.

