Intella X: Web2 User’s Gateway to Web3

Intella X
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2022

Intella X aims to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 and create a blockchain gaming platform enjoyed by all audiences.

We’ve previously mentioned how Intella X is going to create an ecosystem that rewards its contributors. Today we’re here to talk about another important objective of Intella X: to facilitate mass adoption of blockchain gaming.

To make that a reality, we need to lower Web3’s learning curve and make blockchain games easier to approach. The first step toward this goal is to make the gaming platform accessible without requiring extensive education and research.

From the perspective of an average Web2 user, understanding seed phrases and private keys and how wallet recovery works is a lot of work. There’s too much information and not enough patience to sit through it all, especially when they’re just getting the hang of familiarizing themselves with the term “blockchain.” Intella X makes the process of creating crypto wallets quick and easy by eliminating seed phrases during registration. All you need to do is log in with a social account and your wallet is generated, ready to use.

Not only that, Intella X wallet ensures added security by splitting the wallet’s private keys and storing them separately. We use Web3Auth, a wallet solution that uses a decentralized storage method of private keys, as an extra security measure. Pieces of the private keys are never put together as a whole; only a fraction of these pieces are needed to allow users access to their wallets, meaning that hackers will never be able to see your entire private key.

Another hurdle that we believe makes blockchain gaming difficult for Web2 users is the complicated procedure of transferring digital assets. Every blockchain transaction requires the network’s native currency to be paid as gas fees, which must be purchased through a centralized cryptocurrency exchange or other means available to the user.

However, many of the users who start their Web3 experience with blockchain games will most likely have only game tokens — the assets they earned by playing games. In many cases, they will not have the blockchain network’s native currency (e.g., MATIC) in their wallets to pay gas fees. All blockchain transactions require the network’s native currency to be processed, but acquiring that currency is not an easy task for Web2 users.

On Intella X, users won’t need native currencies to transfer their assets. We use what’s called a meta transaction, a technology that allows third parties (in this case, us) to pay gas fees on behalf of the user, to minimize the need to separately purchase native currencies. If you pay with game tokens or our platform’s own tokens, we will take them and pay your gas fees in the network’s native currency for you. What this means is that players moving their assets out of Intella X games do not need to purchase MATIC from outside exchanges.

We don’t believe the above solutions are perfect; we will continuously research better ways to bring Web2 users to the world of Web3 gaming. Keep your eyes out for more news on how we’re working to build a user-friendly blockchain gaming platform.

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Intella X

Next generation of Web3 gaming platform built on Polygon. Ushering in a new age of Web3 gaming.