The Biggest Ads Mistake

Intelligent Business
2 min readJan 29, 2022


The Biggest Ads Mistake
- The biggest mistake advertisers make is obsessing over ad strategy and targeting instead of focusing on ad creatives (image, video, carousel ad..)
- Ads are the first impression of your brand. Everything else is useless if they don’t watch it and click.
- Even if you have the best ad strategy & targeting, you will fail if your ad creative doesn’t convert viewers into customers.
- Another mistake is spending thousands on making a polished, highly professional ad. Our brains have been trained to ignore ads.
- Your ad need to fit into the social media feed and not feel like an ad.
- User-generated content (UGC) ads work the best right now. Just a person showing off the products, benefits, testimonials…
- Send out your product for free/discounted in exchange for photos & videos. Start paid ads with those (get their permission)

We are besieged with large number of advertisements consistently. A great many people like us have fostered a mind channel to disregard promotions.

That is the reason your advertisements need to look local to the stage and not look like promotions.

UGC content is the arrangement. A simple method for getting it is by sending your item to your companions and family and requesting that they shoot straightforward recordings and photographs with it.

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