Viva Cumbuco Deliveries in May 2020

Intention Ventures
3 min readMay 13, 2020


Thank you very much for your contribution to Viva Cumbuco, an initiative to support communities in and around Cumbuco Beach, in Ceará State, Northeast Brazil.

In the weeks following the initial donation campaign, we coordinated with several projects that operate in the region and with the Caucaia Municipal Government, to create a unique list of food basket delivery records, thus avoiding repetitions.

We delivered food baskets and masks on May 8 and 9, 2020. We concentrated the deliveries of Viva Cumbuco on 51 families who had not yet received any support. In total, his contribution helped to feed 199 people in Cumbuco, Parazinho, Tabuba and Icaraí.

During the deliveries, our team found that many people in the region remain without access to essential government programs during this time of pandemic and economic paralysis. In addition to collecting donations and delivering food baskets, Viva Cumbuco also seeks to provide access to information and help residents obtain support from government programs. We created a channel on WhatsApp to transmit pertinent information and answer questions from residents.

The baskets contained 29 items, listed below, ranging from food, cleaning supplies to personal hygiene items.

Despite low circulation in the center of Cumbuco, we found that less than 50% of the people who were on the street were wearing masks. Each food package also contained masks for everyone in the family and our team also explained their use. We hope that with these efforts we will be able to contribute to the slowdown of spreading of covid-19.

In addition to our deliveries, other projects delivered approximately 327 baskets in the region.

We will continue coordinating with other projects and collecting donations so that we can extend support in the following weeks and to underserved regions.

We invite you to follow our fundraising efforts on our social media channels: Intention Ventures and Winds for Future.

Again we thank you for your support during this critical period.


Deborah Lilienfeld

Director, Intention Ventures

Sustainability Director, Winds for Future

